Example sentences of "[vb mod] give [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 We can not own property , or hold office , we must give hostages for our good behaviour — we are prisoners and outcasts in our own town .
2 ‘ Yet today , if I must give reasons for the love-affair we all shared with Nigel , it is not difficult .
3 In his judgment , Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. considered some of the authorities on the requirement that a decision-making body should give reasons for its decision , including a decision of the High Court of Australia in Public Service Board of New South Wales v. Osmond ( 1986 ) 159 C.L.R. 656 .
4 A judge setting aside a default judgment should give reasons for so doing ( Lennard v International Institute for Medical Science ( 1985 ) The Times , 29 April , CA citing Eagil Trust Co Ltd v Pigott Brown [ 1985 ] 3 All ER 119 , CA .
5 We should give thanks for their work and pray for them .
6 ‘ We mourn , weep and express a sense of loss for Stephen , ’ said Fr Burke who said the congregation should give thanks for Ft Lt McNally 's life .
7 In the body of the text , it may also be revealed that the person is in some position which may give opportunities for taking advantage of children , such as a registered foster-parent , a holiday-camp entertainer , a landlord who placed ads offering single mothers a home at his seaside lodging-house , a coach-driver who took a party of thirty-four primary school children .
8 The courts will not take the incidence of future inflation into account in calculating the dependency , but if it is established that the deceased would have increased his income in the future for reasons other than inflation ( eg because he would have been promoted if he had remained in his job or because he would probably have attained higher and better paid skills or a better paid job if he had lived ) this might give grounds for increasing the multiplicand .
9 One of the world 's hot spots that might give clues for the future .
10 In the midst of all this , Stirling calmly called a halt so that he could give orders for further targets .
11 I find that a thoroughly unsatisfactory situation , in which this court should hold , if it properly can do so , that the board ought to give reasons for its recommendation .
12 It is to be noted further that the Act , no doubt inadvertently , facilitates such behaviour by providing that the Tribunal shall give reasons for its decisions only to the Prime Minister .
13 In this chapter I shall give reasons for rejecting this approach , or if not for rejecting it then for supposing that the questions it raises can never be answered and so that it leads directly to scepticism .
14 ( 1 ) A licensing board shall give reasons for arriving at any decisions mentioned in section 5(2) of this Act when required to do so under subsection ( 2 ) below .
15 Ricci would give masterclasses for the next five mornings , each one lasting from 9 am to 1 pm .
16 But this approach seems unnecessarily rigid in cases where the matters which would give grounds for judicial review could also be resolved by the alternative process .
17 She will give reasons for her decision in public on Monday .
18 The computer can give questions for the user to ask , and also draw inference from the answers .
19 The Social Fund , which is a new part of social security , can give grants for those arranging a funeral who do not have sufficient money to cover the cost .
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