Example sentences of "[vb mod] only [vb infin] that " in BNC.

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1 We should only hope that the minister does n't start using the Book of Revelations as his appointments diary .
2 If judicial review is seen as going further and being concerned with the protection of groups as well as individuals , standing rules should only require that the applicant show that he , she or it shares some interest with others .
3 We humans , however , are not given the power to look into the mind of a penguin and must only accept that this is the best way to ensure survival of the species .
4 We 'll only garrison that if we 're forced back to it . ’
5 If the baseline is for the purpose of a critical design review of a computer game program , then the assessor might only check that the modules are unambiguous and complete .
6 That these implications of Moore 's methodology seem strange might only show that it can guide us to unexpected ethical truths .
7 Ginny could only suppose that Ralph thought he was protecting her from a possible nuisance .
8 If Alina was looking cynical , Angelica could only suppose that it was because she 'd earned the right to be .
9 I could only suppose that the collapse of space-time in my own day was slowly spreading outwards from source , like a bloodstain oozing across an old sheet , threatening many deep-seated continuities .
10 Sara could only suppose that her initial suspicion had been stilled , and that she accepted her , Sara , as part of the permanent scenery around the place .
11 One could only hope that they would ; at any rate , they were a relatively safe form of experimentation in power sharing which , unlike a commitment to the development of parliamentary institutions , could if necessary be abandoned .
12 Now he could only hope that the heavy crop of elderberries , which heralded the end of summer , did not mean that all the leaves had fallen .
13 She could only hope that Alison 's appointment in London might have something to do with happier news in this connection .
14 Lanfranc could only hope that the papal Curia would come to recognize the substantial strength of this papally inspired practice of primacy going back to the seventh century .
15 Faced with the reality that newspapers ( and television stations ) were no more than private organs for private gain , commentators could only hope that private ownership would be tempered by a social conscience .
16 He could only hope that his Chelonian captors were n't engaged in fiendish torture or had n't cut off his legs or anything .
17 She did n't know what her mother was going to say when Wayne finally got her home ; she could only hope that things would improve along the way .
18 I could only hope that Father Christmas had one up his sleeve for me !
19 When Nenna was not in the witness box , she sometimes saw herself getting ready for an inspection at which Edward , or Edward 's mother , or some power superior to either , gave warning that they might appear — she could only hope that it would be on a falling tide — to see where she could be found wanting .
20 She could only hope that when he had recovered from jet lag he would have second thoughts and leave Garry to go his own way .
21 She had been listless for some time and the woman could only hope that moving her right away from the influence of the people she went around with into these beautiful surroundings might bring her back to herself .
22 One could only hope that the Earl of Gloucester would realise the futility of remaining isolated in Normandy when Matilda 's cousin was already anointed and crowned , an act that even the Pope acknowledged as irrevocable , despite his disapproval of Stephen 's methods .
23 Guy could only hope that Isabel was quick and that the sentry was n't inclined to shoot at an unseen target .
24 I was a little disappointed , but I could only hope that Celia was still a bit hazy from the drugs .
25 Instead of worrying about what fitzAlan might do to her after her last defiant outburst , she could only think that he might be in danger .
26 However , standing in the church behind her cousin , Laura could only think that Liz must be totally and blindly in love !
27 Paige could only admit that she had never seen a better male specimen .
28 But in 1938 he could only suggest that the manyattas be brought as far as possible under administrative control and the moran ‘ encouraged in any activities to maintain their manliness such as sports , road work , or their lion-hunting with spears ’ .
29 You can make pleas for extra schemes but if you do so I could only suggest that you also accompany it with one that you would rather er is not done , so there are actually replacements rather than additions .
30 Their friends could only feel that death was merciful in the circumstances , especially with war imminent , and that Molly had made the closing months of their lives very happy .
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