Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Now the Noble Lord , Lord Merlyn Reece and one or two other have argued against that , but I think on the Your Lordships would feel that there should be a wider constituency , that being so should these recruits be secured by co-option , by appointment , or by some other way .
2 First , there should be a clearer division between council member and officer .
3 It may be difficult to explain why a few minutes spent reading fourteen lines of Shakespeare should be a higher pleasure than reading an equivalent length of a James Bond story , but the analyses of literary criticism elucidate how in the former case one is living those few minutes in intensified awareness with an extraordinarily extended span , from the texture of the words sounding in one 's inner ear to the remotest implications for the living of one 's whole life .
4 Adjusting to small changes is always easier than adjusting to large and the whole aim is that the school should be a nicer and more effective place for everyone .
5 I think that in the nineteen nineties , there is agreement that some reform is need is needed that there should be a better balance between the different groups at conference , and that decision making in the parties should be seen to be democratic open and based on one person one vote .
6 The new design should be a better fit , and so reduce the damage to the bone after an implant .
7 It means I have a new tight-head partner working with me and there should be a better balance in the scrum . ’
8 We feel it is such a terrible crime in the West to counterfeit money ; but it should be a worse crime to counterfeit words .
9 Finniston also believes that there should be a greater element of entrepreneurship in all types of businesses .
10 Against this background , Conservatives should say : too many prison sentences are given to the wrong people ( eg alcoholics ) ; prison regimes are too often wrong , with prisoners staying inside in relatively soft conditions for relatively long sentences ; too often violent criminals do not get sent to prison as they should ; for young thugs short spells are advocated in glasshouse-type detention centres with a very tough physical regime ( but good food ) ; otherwise there should be a greater emphasis on fines , representing a more humane and economical approach .
11 Sukarno was rebuffed when he asked that there should be a Greater Indonesia including the British territories , Malaya , Singapore and North Borneo .
12 If the Tiebout mechanism is relevant , then there should be some effect of the costs of moving on the pattern of preferences ; that is , when there are many localities it is easy for individuals to move to the one they most prefer , and hence there should be a greater homogeneity of preferences within those localities .
13 ‘ But the public would be provided with greater reassurances and there should be a lower incidence of fraud and other illegal acts .
14 Doctors agree there should be a fairer system but experts warn that there 's no easy solution .
15 After the hearing but before judgment it was decided that there should be a further hearing before an Appellate Committee of seven Lords to determine the issue whether , and in what circumstances , Parliamentary debates on a Bill might be used as an aid to construction of the ensuing Act .
16 To deal with these problems there should be a further development of the democratic principles of the Soviet federation , extending the rights of the union republics and lower levels of government .
17 there should be a test — based on the statutory wording related to licences — as to whether a credit transaction involved activity which was oppressive or unfair or improper , which should be a further factor
18 We have already heard the hon. Member for Staffordshire , South ( Mr. Cormack ) suggest that there should be a further element which would take into account the length of time that someone has lived in a house .
19 This declaration proved to be premature , although a recommendation that there should be a longer term for the candidate stage towards full party membership must have provided a useful mechanism for sifting the wheat from the chaff .
20 Secondly , the right hon. Gentleman suggested that there should be a speedier process .
21 Consulting sex manuals might help , but one of the benefits of having been married a number of years should be a deeper understanding of your partner and of what will give pleasure .
22 I am sure that all would agree that it is nonsense and that there must be a simpler way .
23 Sir Anthony stopped short of blaming BR or the Government for creating the climate but added : ‘ There must be a better way of doing things . ’
24 THE main points of contention are : Franchise allocation for ITV ( Channel 3 ) and Channel 5 ‘ There must be a better way . ’
25 He refused professional tuition because he felt there must be a better way to play golf and he must find it for himself .
26 But he added : ‘ There must be a better way of meeting those concerns than taking action that could lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom . ’
27 There must be a better way of spending life than what I 'm doing . ’
28 There must be a better way to achieve a city at peace with itself .
29 ‘ I might be wrong , ’ the young hedgehog said , ‘ but I keep thinking there must be a better way . ’
30 I wanted a Knitmaster , but my husband insisted that this must be a better buy , although I do n't think I paid more than £42.00 for it .
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