Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] be [that] " in BNC.

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1 The latter point is debatable and it may only be that the practical aspects of creep measurements are simpler .
2 However , we agreed that self-help schemes could only bring a few jobs and that a central demand should still be that the state provide jobs .
3 The answer to the second question must surely be that if there is a trust at all ( which is the first question ) , then because of the word omnia it is a trust of everything Pamphilus receives .
4 The first to be noted must surely be that relating to collegiality — a long text including most of Lumen Gentium 22 .
5 We do it when we decide that the sibling rule — that a child can attend the same school as a brother or sister — does not apply ( the assumption here must surely be that siblings can belong to different species ) .
6 The theological justification behind such an approach ( not that I had necessarily thought this out at the time when I was a member of the church ) must surely be that God 's will must be held to be one with what is good , and therefore what Christianity proclaims can not differ from human ethical goods .
7 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
8 The moral to this little story must therefore be that it is always worth checking that the components you receive from a supplier are the ones that you actually ordered !
9 The reply to question ( 3 ) must therefore be that the existence of the present system of national quotas does not affect the replies given to question ( 2 ) .
10 It may not be that we have become too sophisticated but that we are so confused we seek salvation even from out there .
11 It may or may not be that he would have thought it necessary for there to be a ‘ natural resemblance ’ ( such as the Vatican Declaration believes to be necessary ) between the male Christ and the male priest .
12 It may or may not be that decisions and the like are in fact standard effects .
13 It may thus be that a client is a corporate finance client for some activities but not for others .
14 It may just be that Clinton is taking advantage of the transition period until he takes over the Presidency to air some personal prejudices and satisfy the grievances of some of his supporters .
15 We might think that any differences reflected poorer performance but it may just be that they merely reflect the different impact of specific price changes on drugs compared with books .
16 The output comparisons have to take into account social , economic and political considerations : it may just be that in Rochester the residents prefer not to have to drag their refuse up the garden path , at any price .
17 So it would certainly be naive to think that whenever people felt unhappy erm it was er was some kind of pathology and that , that evolution could n't explain it , and it may just be that the women feel a bit fed up because of hormonal changes and it does n't awfully much , it 's just one of things you pay for being a mother .
18 It might be that the subject noun and verb phrase go together to form a constituent , so you have Florence teased Dougal or the structure might not be that it might just be three separate constituents with no firm structure forming a further constituent , so why that structure ?
19 For the woman in our example , it might just be that in fact she has a very small frame and she should therefore be 8 st 2 lb.
20 If you take photographs as a hobby , you are likely to have produced at least one quality snap in your time and it might just be that a magazine would find it useful .
21 So it could It might just be that that 's causing the problem .
22 It might just be that the best way forward in Africa is by falling back on the spirit of silif , and building on it .
23 But it might just be that we ca n't have both and we ca n't ensure that people vote from the right from moral motivation rather than personal interest and we ca n't ensure vote
24 So it could It might just be that that 's causing the problem .
25 It might simply be that you are a person with small wrists but a large body frame , wide shoulders , wide rib-cage , and so on .
26 It might simply be that the amount of learning involved in such a task was not great enough to generate biochemical changes big enough to be measured .
27 It might even be that the whole of our galaxy was required .
28 It might even be that the very military orderliness with which the Germans performed their mining affairs could have resulted in alienation .
29 Therefore , one further reason why policemen dislike dealing with rape might well be that they feel uneasy about having to ask the very personal questions which are necessary in order for the victim to be taken seriously , and on the occasion quoted above the sergeant went on to say that as a result of asking for these very personal details policemen ‘ have had a very bad rap over dealing with rape cases ’ ( FN 16/3/87 , p. 14 ) .
30 But it might well be that an associatively activated X is simply not salient enough to produce effects of a measurable size .
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