Example sentences of "[vb mod] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This criticism arises from the fact that , search where you may through the White Papers , nowhere will you find detailed information about what public service workers have been paid , how their pay has changed or what they will be paid in the future .
2 ‘ My uncles and must of the other Khans take such pains when they speak to me , and yet you go to no trouble at all .
3 Whether Innocent could have achieved his ends earlier or by better means must in the final analysis be a matter of opinion .
4 It seems fatuous to condemn companies like this for functioning as they must in the industrial and political context in which they find themselves .
5 Where , as will normally be the case , the breach is such as must in the ordinary course of business inflict damage on the plaintiff , he may succeed without proof of any particular damage .
6 erm the rest of arbitrary proposals maybe considered small comparison in , in financial terms at least but er differ a little if any in , in educational value , that 's two hundred thousand to boost the fourteen and nineteen strategy , er I think there must in the present climate in which we have to regard the vocational content of education as well as the academic .
7 All this must in the long term benefit both clients and contractors alike . ’
8 To qualify , an industry must in the previous three months have seen both value of production and number of its new employees fall by more than 5% from the previous year .
9 The energetic pursuit of these two policies should in the long run ensure a substantial improvement in the employment situation .
10 If in a potentially life threatening situation or one in which irreparable damage to the patient 's health is to be anticipated , doctors or hospital authorities are faced with a refusal by an adult patient to accept essential treatment and they have real doubts as to the validity of that refusal , they should in the public interest , not to mention that of their patient , at once seek a declaration from the courts as to whether the proposed treatment would or would not be lawful .
11 ‘ such occasions [ when a judge may properly rule that a document ordinarily immune in the public interest should in the public interest be disclosed ] will be exceptional and the fluctuating fortunes of parties in litigious combat will rarely justify a judge in disturbing an immunity firmly rooted in the public interest .
12 Where mass communication is concerned , models become ever more complex , each adapting as it must to the particular situation or circumstance and reflecting the complexity of the situation .
13 Is it desirable that the finest and most sensitive part of a woman — that which God gave her , should on the one hand be wounded with such a wound as no proud and gentle nature ever recovers from , or else should on the other hand be deadened so that the woman becomes only half herself , and this is what the tyranny of the medical profession has accomplished .
14 And increasingly complaints from businesses , complaints about unfair competition , erm the second point is that the , the report has been sent to vote upon now , but also to a number of er business and consumer organisations in the county a range of views is being expressed in response , as you 'd expect , but in general terms most recognised there are particular trading , trend and pattern which needs to be addressed erm but most have all especially with the er display of this same as registration some form of registration must on the national basis would be erm a , a solution to this support .
15 In these , positions , the glazing must be ‘ safe ’ , and this can be achieved in may of the following ways :
16 You might from the national
17 So there is still an uncomfortably strong possibility that the Yugoslav confrontation may end messily , perhaps even bloodily , just as it might in the Soviet Union , where Yugoslav events are followed with special interest .
18 The price that an institution ( or a whole country ) might have to pay for success in reversing a particular state of dependency might in the long run not be worth paying .
19 Perhaps it was only natural , only to be expected ; but with no one left to share these thoughts , the familiar presence gone , one might in the small hours come to wonder whether , being no longer needed , life was really worth living any more .
20 The issue never addressed is the level to which interest rates should be reduced to enable British industry to compete effectively , let alone give it an edge over the rest of the industrialised world — probably because they have not reached such a level for decades ; nor is there reason to hope they might in the foreseeable future . .
21 Accept her cold rebuffs without anger or impatience ; be there for her as best he might in the fond hope that this dreary rain must cease , that Spring must come again , and she might wake one day to that glorious span of light across the water-meadows .
22 A holiday travelogue set in some exotic location might on the other hand merit a slightly more expansive style to suit the circumstances .
23 But we might on the other hand .
24 we 'll on the other one .
25 And Gregory : ‘ I found it a tremendously exciting challenge to depict the past as convincingly as I could for the mass-market audience of today . ’
26 She could n't take their mother 's place , of course , but for Liz 's sake she must try to do everything she possibly could for the little girls .
27 ‘ I will go up to the roof , just remember though to tell them to send a ladder up there ’ said Ralph ‘ Take the child with you and hurry ’ And with that Carter ran as fast as he could through the dark air with the lady and child and before long he was out Ralph 's sight .
28 So he lay hunched on the floor of the saloon and breathed as best he could through the thick hood .
29 Armed with the phone number of the vicar of All Saints , I determined to find out all I could about the mysterious stone .
30 He told Nikos and Georgiades as much as he could about the current political log-jam , leaving out the Patros bit .
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