Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] of at " in BNC.

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1 Since 1907 the law has permitted the formation of ‘ limited partnerships ’ , which must be registered and must consist of at least one general partner , who is liable without limit , and of one or more limited partners , each of whom is not liable beyond the amount contributed by him on entering into the partnership .
2 The central committee of the RKRP must consist of at least 50 per cent workers and peasants .
3 There is no limitation on the size of a unit , other than units must consist of at least five models unless otherwise stated .
4 There is no limitation on the size of a unit , other than that units must consist of at least five models unless otherwise stated .
5 The creditors ' committee must consist of at least three and not more than five creditors .
6 There could be no answer to that , none that I could think of at the time .
7 No they do n't , but it was the only accent I could think of at the time .
8 an interim award will be made if a defender can meet the obligation either from his own funds or from funds he could dispose of at will .
9 ‘ Zambia , my sweet puzzle , I can think of at least two without concentrating .
10 Claire Rayner and Jeni Barnett are the only two I can think of at the moment .
11 For although I am sure he never had the chance to encounter a tiger beneath the dining table , when I think over all that I know or have heard concerning him , I can think of at least several instances of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so admired in the butler of his story .
12 Well , that 's all I can think of at the moment .
13 The the other advantages I can think of at the moment for erm getting company to say yes it the obvious connections to company .
14 ‘ I can think of at least three professional women who are my patients and who do n't want to near the ‘ natural is wonderful ’ message preached by the NCT .
15 I can think of at least half a dozen of Henry 's courtiers who could be mistaken for the King . ’
16 Quite apart from the ones I killed ( and they were all about the same age I was when I murdered them ) I can think of at least three of our family who went to whatever they imagined their Maker was like in unusual ways .
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