Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] to me " in BNC.

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1 When you come to visit me , you must explain to me what sort of creature I 've married .
2 Knowles alleged that one of the officials told him : ‘ I know it 's not Crabb 's body , but you must swear to me if you 're asked in court if it 's the body , you 're to say it is — for Queen and country . ’
3 You must swear to me that if the number is six you will take the pill . ’
4 As I said , you must speak to me as if I were my father .
5 ‘ I do not see why you should apologise to me in any way , it is I who behaved like a little monster .
6 ‘ Well , I have a bit of trouble at the moment , and if … well , if anything should happen to me , I think Cabochon should know . ’
7 ‘ But that it should happen to me !
8 I felt disbelief , and some sense of outrage that this should happen to me .
9 ‘ Roger , ’ he urged , ‘ if anything should happen to me , swear you will protect Johanna ! ’
10 If any readers would like to receive a free copy of an information sheet I have produced on the types of environmental audits and what they can achieve they should write to me at the address below :
11 Anyone who 's interested should write to me at Heston . ’
12 If the hon. Gentleman wishes to make a particular point about his locality , he should write to me about it and I shall ensure that account is taken of his views .
13 The final paragraph , if this is the course of action you wish to take , in the first instance you should write to me requesting that your appeal be heard by the Central Executive Committee .
14 People who are interested should write to me at the address below .
15 Suppose a white man should come to me and say ‘ Joseph , I like your horses , and I want to buy them . ’
16 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
17 ( No sooner leaving me in the evening , than he must write to me . )
18 He must come to me . ’
19 The hon. Gentleman will know that any project in excess of £1 million must come to me for a decision .
20 You must listen to me , Hazel .
21 I would never hunt , I will also not demand that anybody else hunts and I do n't think other people should say to me what I should and what I should not do and I think that 's the issue .
22 ‘ You may refer to me as ‘ Your Excellency ’ .
23 ‘ That girl up there is my patient , and if you harm her or the child she is carrying , then you 'll answer to me — and the law , ’ he added grimly .
24 ‘ You 'll leave her be , man , or you 'll answer to me ! ’
25 ‘ Well ’ — Lizzie stopped — ‘ I do n't suppose he 'll object to me seeing my grandchild bathed . ’
26 I try even harder not to think about what he might do to me if he ever got the chance .
27 Yeah , even on the phone our Rob rings up and er , he 'll speak to me for a few minutes and he speaks
28 You 'll whisper to me who it is .
29 And they 'll quote to me that inflation 's at two percent .
30 " What might happen to me ? "
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