Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 Women are being asked detailed questions about their child-care arrangements , and failure to produce satisfactory answers may disqualify them from benefit .
2 ‘ Felicitations from him who must worship you from afar and longs to have you for his own . ’
3 An example of this occurred in early February when Foreign Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) , meeting in Brussels , agreed that the support given to Iraq by the PLO should disqualify it from further high-level contacts .
4 If he respects and loves his original … he must liberate it from the boundaries of time , the boundaries of physical change of all sorts , the boundaries of cultural change . "
5 Whether these past difficulties should debar him from the presidency was , he said , an issue to be decided by the US people : " We 're putting this in your hands , you get to decide . "
6 Furthermore , although it may sincerely believe it is a new party , the very fact that it has often changed its mind should debar it from being taken seriously .
7 He built them a pagoda of solid jade and embellished it with precious gems — not realising that to grow up a dragon must accumulate its own hoard , must steal it from Emperors and princes .
8 But if Posidonius had paid attention to the structure of Italy before or after the Social War we should know it from Strabo who used his work extensively .
9 Where there are insuperable difficulties in arranging for that evidence to be questioned it should not be admitted in evidence , or the hearing authority should exclude it from their consideration .
10 But to say ‘ well we may run into erm problems which we ca n't at the moment foresee , or problems which may make life temporarily a little difficult ’ I do n't think should prevent us from tackling the problem .
11 It is the emotional and dynamic tug of a story which must prevent us from reading in too literal a spirit .
12 yeah I think , I do n't , she must lock it from the inside window back through
13 Atrimonides gestured with his gun , indicating that she should precede him from the gallery .
14 While I do not agree with much of what Sinead says , I feel I must defend her from your ridiculous slurs .
15 Hume and Kant ( 1724–1804 ) are two towering giants of philosophy and our brief indications of their positions on morality — which must tear them from their systems as a whole — may irritate the knowledgeable , but with the space at my disposal and the particular purpose of supplying background to Part Two of this work , the only alternative was to ignore them altogether .
16 He cared nothing for his wife and daughter and they must wipe him from their minds .
17 Parents with problem children should stop them from taking canned drinks , coloured squash , sweets , biscuits and cake for a week .
18 She knew he was going to the Mnarja festival at Buskett , and she saw no reason why the betrothal customs should stop her from going too .
19 This should stop it from debauching the currency .
20 There were one or two things that may concern them ( the scratchy sound of the orchestra for one ) , though nothing that should deter them from tuning in , for the singing was generally fine , with particularly good contributions from the basses ( Michael George and Peter Harvey ) , the soprano Nancy Argenta , the tenor Andrew Murgatroyd , the ‘ cantor ’ Nicholas Robertson and the choir itself , here expanded , of course , to The Twenty .
21 He paused , frowning while staring ahead at some of the other riders , then he said , ‘ Excuse me — I must stop them from taking the wrong track . ’
22 ‘ So he was , in which case we must absolve you from all blame .
23 But many are indignant at the suggestion that age should bar them from help
24 To get a better grade the student must take it from one of the students above by out-performing him or her .
25 If not , you should select them from group 2 .
26 There also is an empirical problem of understanding how support operates between grandparents and grandchildren , in that we must disentangle it from support given to and by the intervening generation .
27 ‘ Why he should tell me from day one that you were his girlfriend .
28 That should protect her from those worrying bouts of weakness whenever Roman took it in his head to produce his caveman act and haul her into a passionate clinch …
29 It is made from heavy-duty plastic , which should protect it from all but the psychotically over-enthusiastic synthesist .
30 Tea and coffee should be strictly limited , and the patient should drink them from a small cup , and should not be given several cups in succession .
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