Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 In the north and east the Curled or Lesser Octopus Eledone cirrhosa may treat you with a colourful appearance .
2 Further to our meeting earlier this week , I am writing to you to outline how KPMG Peat Marwick ( ‘ KPMG ’ ) may assist you with your plans to establish a significant presence in Europe in [ ] services .
3 When the Hon. Gentleman has seen all the details , he should compare them with what went on in the valleys when he was a Minister .
4 When I hear the attacks on that modest , even cautious , and certainly prudent programme , I must compare it with the gross waste of public money in which the Government have indulged .
5 If you must compare us with Paris , then look at the international visitors figures .
6 And it is no surprise that the man who first addressed a novel called The Joke to the citizens of a prohibitionist state in the middle of Europe twenty-five years ago should treat them with as much sympathy as harsh lucidity .
7 Like Arsenal , they are in form at the moment , so we must treat them with respect — but not too much . ’
8 That 's why I 'm saying to everyone that we should build it with two lanes and no more and so restricting the chance of it ever being a motorway .
9 It might not be as exotic as Rio , but a day spent bobbing and weaving between the marching bands and floats — and pubs — should acquaint you with the Dublin spirit .
10 I think I should regard me with the contempt with which I myself regard the more vulgar visitors . ’
11 I do n't know why I should burden you with this and make an exhibition of myself in front of eveN– one . ’
12 We must combat it with the weapons of faith by showing that it is possible to have a balanced , intelligent faith which offers hope and healing .
13 When the reports and figures come in , you should discuss them with your solicitor and instruct him to negotiate with the vendor 's solicitor a reduction in price to take account of the defects , independent valuation and any discrepancies in boundaries/room sizes .
14 I have found no such systematic problems , but if there are specific difficulties in some practices , those involved should discuss them with their regional health authority .
15 If you do not like what happens at a school , you should discuss it with the headmaster , but bear in mind that teachers at a boarding school are acting much more in loco parentis than at a day school and may feel that very firm action is essential .
16 In her view , Andrew should discuss it with them .
17 You must assail it with Bassey from one side and Streisand from the other , whereupon the hapless bird rips itself in half , uncertain which escape route to take .
18 Thou shalt break them with the rod of iron , thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter 's vessel .
19 If you 're signalling E , F and G , you must do it with your LEFT arm .
20 It goes without saying that you should study it with the utmost care .
21 You should present them with a sense of commitment .
22 When she came back to him he must present her with a positive plan of action .
23 When we are in the material world doing work or playing , we should do them with enthusiasm and be wholly committed to them .
24 What is surprising is not that the rural past should be called up , but that the writer should invest it with the imaginative and emotional power that he does .
25 In fact , since ants , like other insects , have a variety of these illuminated chemical communicators , each meaning different things , their highways — especially within their nests — must provide them with a variety of ‘ colour-pattern ’ coding and meaningful messages .
26 We must provide them with something to sell .
27 In addition , Sched 2 , para 6 specifies that local authorities must provide them with services designed to minimise their disabilities and give them the opportunity to lead lives which are as normal as possible ( Sched 2 , para 6 ) .
28 But I imagine the fact that it is Sipotai who is charging into the net must provide you with certain gratification . ’
29 If you are weekly tenant your landlord must provide you with a rent book otherwise he/she may be guilty of a criminal offence .
30 Instead we should provide them with the means of taking charge of their own lives ; then — if and when they are ready — help them to understand their payoffs and hidden agendas , so that they can choose to stop playing this destructive game .
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