Example sentences of "[subord] having [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 But if , having served a term in purgatory , if having had the chance to try his arguments on other philosophers , Hegel was not unrepentant , he might agree that there was perhaps something in the alternative view : that each of the factors affecting historical development does have its own authenticity ; that they act upon and react to one another ; that from time to time this or that factor will take on a greater or lesser importance ; that of course — with a nod in the direction of Marx — at least since the neolithic age and the development of agriculture the mode of production has been a major factor ; and that the actions of particular men , Marx among them , have in fact been formative , changing not merely the degree of development of a kind already prescribed by a programme of social evolution , but the kind of development itself .
2 Is it is it because having taxed the disabled and taxed the divorce the government are aff afraid to face to the music and make an announcement that they are increasing tax on the sick .
3 I would say to you that you must have a defibrillator available should your patient reperfuse on the way to hospital and develop ventricular fibrillation , because having salvaged the myocardium , it is a shame to lose the patient and we can not yet tell which patient will develop ventricular fibrillation and which will not .
4 But if you turned round and said to them all right with the consent of the people and with the consent of the Planning Authority we will authorize a site , we would get on and provide it , and they would n't spend four hundred thousand pounds of the taxpayers money in doing it , and it does n't stop there because having spent the four hundred thousand pounds you 've then got to provide the wardening of the site and the constant maintenance , which is a drain .
5 The girl herself , whether having imbibed the traditions of her family , or through the physical bond created by cohabiting , through no fault of her own , with this man , has become attached to her uncle , and while longing to be with her mother considers herself in some sense bound to him by family arrangements as if she were indeed married to him .
6 George Moore 's depiction of Jesus as having survived the Crucifixion followed on from a contention maintained not only by some of the oldest heresies , but also by the Koran , and thus widely accepted throughout Islam and the Islamic world .
7 This is the system which they see as having replaced the Roman Empire in Europe .
8 It was not surprising that Tehran had seized upon the state of the oil market , in the light of the widespread indictment of Riyadh as having provoked the circumstances which left OPEC in disarray in 1985–86 .
9 Similarly , on June 29th 1970 , the same newspaper reported Portuguese troops as having crossed the border from Angola in order to kidnap the inhabitants of a remote Zambian village .
10 The result was seen as having strengthened the somewhat precarious position of Prime Minster Toshiki Kaifu within the party .
11 In both the Reports of the Court to the General Assembly and the listings of the United Nations Secretariat , Nicaragua was included as having accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court through the operation of Article 36 ( 5 ) on its acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Permanent Court .
12 ‘ We hope that by the end of the conference we will be able to suggest some acceptable ways forward for the future , as well as having aired the problems . ’
13 In 1106 , after the death of his brother Geoffrey , Fulk of Anjou was recorded by Orderic as having received the county of Anjou from King Philip I ; his homage therefore implied feudal subordination .
14 A Foreign Ministry spokesman was quoted on April 5 as having criticized the USA for having " suddenly adopted a different attitude " after initially encouraging rebel factions to overthrow the Saddam Hussein government .
15 Here also the support of the infinitive is identified with that of the finite verb and so is depicted as having realized the action of struggling with the intention of performing the infinitive event .
16 Yet in a time of " unprecedented inflation , unprecedented wage demands and an unprecedented number of strikes " ' , most groups can be considered as having limited the fall in real earnings rather than as having maintained , let alone increased them .
17 The local authorities cited so far can be described as having assimilated the care programme approach , they take it into account and perceive opportunities to be gained , but they do not appear to have changed themselves in any significant way to accommodate it .
18 A useful starting point is to note that two of the three factors just mentioned as having influenced the law 's development have little application in modern conditions .
19 Lord Roskill , in the course of a speech concurred in by Lords Fraser of Tullybelton , Edmund-Davies , Brandon of Oakbrook and Brightman , referred , at p. 331 , to Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 with apparent approval as having set out the four elements involved in the offence of theft and as having rejected the argument that there could not be theft within section 1(1) if the owner of the property had consented to the defendant 's acts .
20 The events surrounding the creation of the PDS were regarded as having illustrated the difficulties awaiting Italy 's second-largest party in any bid to present a convincing challenge to the Christian Democrats ( CD ) through new alliances with the PSU , independent leftists or radical Catholics .
21 She was able to manage it because Anna fancied herself as having renounced the world and because of their rather special position in England as accepted outsiders not subject to the letter of the rules .
22 The judges were certainly aware that with such an arrangement , they could be seen as having ignored the merits of the designs and the practicalities of execution , and attempted to explain their position in their report to Hall .
23 In fact , the Government has chosen to provide in the TURER Bill that the employee may object to the transfer , but such objection will operate so as to terminate the employment and the transferor will not be regarded as having dismissed the employee .
24 He said as well as having reached the statutory retirement age , he also wished to comply with constitutional legislation preventing members of the military from joining political parties .
25 ‘ After anxious consideration I have reached the conclusion that whatever Reg. v. Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and that Reg. v. Morris itself makes it plain that it is no defence to say that the property passed under a voidable contract .
26 ( f ) Parker LJ stated : " whatever R v Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Lawrence 's case that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and …
27 The most intellectually satisfying explanation is that embodied in the doctrine of karma , in accordance with which the dead child may be regarded as having completed the final stage of a soul-life that , in previous incarnations , had almost earned its passage and , after one more brief sojourn , was able to escape from the cycle of death and rebirth .
28 Besides being the more outgoing of the two , as well as having joined the local drama group , he had lived in London longer .
29 He also could be seen as having secured the continuation of his private office at No. 4 Parliament Street , when the block of buildings between King Street and Parliament Street was omitted from the Act .
30 These problems can be seen as having prevented the SCP market developing sufficient " critical mass " and this , in itself , has brought its own problems .
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