Example sentences of "[subord] though [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Evidently this belonged to the couple , for they settled down as though at home and made no objection when Hazel did the same .
2 The Sandersons were gathered in the kitchen , Mr Sanderson and Jimmy standing as though at attention .
3 Although I did my best not to , something of my scepticism must have betrayed itself , for Mr Farraday then added , as though for reassurance , that were it to prove necessary , then an additional member of staff could be hired .
4 Outbuildings , including a fourteenth-century chapel , now a garden shed , appear to huddle round the medieval manor as though for warmth , giving the whole an informal and completely unselfconscious appearance .
5 She was lying on her side and Hugh was on his side also , clinging to her back , as though for protection .
6 Moreover , when barons and knights gathered together in arms , as though for war , who could tell what conspiracies and rebellions might not follow ?
7 She looked across the desk at Wycliffe as though for encouragement , but none came ; his expression remained bland ; she could not even be sure that he was looking at her or whether his gaze was focused on the window behind her .
8 James nodded to him as though for confirmation and then said loudly , ‘ Let us go to the Castle — ’ He became aware that the further reaches of the crowd were out of hearing and shouted at the top of his voice , ‘ Let us go — along to the Castle — and let us see — what John Menzies — will do about the Act ! ’
9 They all stood up as though on parade , with the instinctive straight back of the Polynesians .
10 ‘ Oh , ’ she had said as they came towards her , distraught , her face and neck colouring as though with guilt .
11 It was sleeting , the ice-cold droplets driving past the light on the quay in a white mist , the freighter 's stern glistening as though with salt spray .
12 His voice was taut as though with anger .
13 Sometimes Flavia Sherman wept as though with grief , and although the storm drowned most of her cries Joseph heard the faint sounds of his mother sobbing as he stood outside the hut in the torrential downpour .
14 Isabel jerked her hand from his , holding it out as though to ward him off .
15 She bounded off as though over stepping stones , from one object to another that would scarcely hold , old tyres , old boots , the ribs of crates from which the seagulls were dislodged in resentment .
16 The films were inevitably foreign and subtitled , and even if we did n't understand them it was as though through exposure to some cinematic photosynthesis we would absorb the esoteric and become all the better intellectually for it .
17 The other woman 's voice sounded hollow and dull , as though under water .
18 Moonlight bathed her , as though by design .
19 Seconds later they were engulfed in a seething torrent of water that appeared as though by magic .
20 As though by magic virtually every chador cloak and hejab headdress had disappeared , the women having changed into smart dresses and tailored suits in the privacy of the toilets .
21 No storm mist shrouding the slopes , no rain , no lightning stabbing , no thunder rumbling , the clouds all swept away as though by magic , the sky blue , the mountains looking quite serene now , almost kindly in the late afternoon light .
22 The fatigue of the long traumatic night fell away from him , as though by magic .
23 Often as they talked he kept his gaze on her face , looking into her eyes , and as she stood with her hands on the handlebars of her bicycle his hand often covered hers as though by accident .
24 The weapon in Mr Cottle 's hand had become a long , loosely coiled spring , lit from within as though by moonlight .
25 This effect can vitiate scientific observation , as when seventeenth century experimenters , familiar with the concepts of post-Galilean mechanics but not of electrostatic attraction and repulsion , regularly reported observing chaff falling as though by gravitation , or mechanically rebounding from the electrified bodies which attracted them .
26 French expert Michael Odent claimed dads present at the birth — like rock star Rod Stewart , actor Michael Caine and Prince Charles — often gasp and groan as though in agony .
27 On the riverbank a small army of frogs croaked a hoarse descant to the incessant , high-pitched whine of unseen cicadas and from somewhere far off a bird screamed intermittently as though in agony .
28 Swod paused for a moment , as though in doubt .
29 Or the nineteen thirties book is like one of the things that really inspired me because it showed me that you can do type that looks as though , I mean it can be composed as though in metal and not be boring — can not be , manufactured , you know hum drum , by varying the weights and by massing it , and also one of the things they do , that you see in those books that you did n't see in printing , was this size of type .
30 One sees more of the bowl and stem of the Picasso Compotier , for instance , than one would in normal vision if one assumed the same high viewpoint when looking at the top of it ; and the gourd behind is painted as though in silhouette or directly at eye level .
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