Example sentences of "[subord] well for the " in BNC.

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1 The very fact that there are bodies in existence whereby such matters can be mulled over , experiences exchanged and ‘ fixes ’ established bodes more than well for the safe operation of such aircraft .
2 Mr Gould said he was prepared to serve under Mr Smith as deputy and invited the Shadow Chancellor to put his name forward as well for the deputy leadership .
3 However , when he poses the question of whether his method could work as well for the class struggle as for the boxing match , Sartre admits that he finds it impossible to answer and returns instead to the much easier case of sub-groups .
4 fair point , its still er , I mean its a considerable number , I mean you can see why the insurance company 's are doing quite well , but your willing to put up with that as well for the , for the good points of a car , for the freedom that er , that cars give you and the safety someone has said , the individual safety as a woman , yes .
5 As well for the .
6 Southbound looks pretty slow heading into those roadworks as well for the time being .
7 If the parish-based Poor Law was operating as well for the settled poor as modern historians seem to suggest , then more generous relief and serious attention to the provision of work and cottages may well have led to a decline in subsistence-driven migration .
8 Yes and erm Thornleys used to be next to it , and it , to see him patting the butter you know and with all the fancy things in the window they would be doing it and er everything was parcelled up then , into brown paper and strong brown , sometimes there would be a bag of sweets pushed in as well for the children .
9 I know people say well oh it 's , of course it 's changed ownership , well things change ownership and it can be for the better as well for the worst ca n't it ?
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