Example sentences of "[subord] this [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although this also requires the measurement of socium and potassium , it is more accurate than standard titrimetric procedures , which are associated with non-linear errors .
2 An atypical presentation may contribute to a diagnostic delay , although this also occurred in patients with more specific symptoms .
3 This is said to be one of the best angling waters in the Midlands although this nearly changed a year ago when a slug of pollution threatened to wipe out 100,000 fish .
4 Although this probably represented ten times what she would normally expect she displayed no emotion as she accepted it .
5 Although this theoretically results in black , the inaccuracies in the ink pigments tend to result in a greenish black .
6 The combination of a new regulatory system and increased competition ought to lead to an increase in efficiency in the provision of financial services , although this still ignores the cost of the overall regulatory framework .
7 Although this still compared well with other Western states , in May 1971 the Finance Minister , Alex Möller , resigned and his post was given to Schiller , who also remained as Economics Minister .
8 Planning controls on rural housing have therefore become — in effect , if not in intent — instruments of social exclusivity , although this often depends as much upon implementation as on the principles enshrined in the legislation .
9 Eggshell paint will be fine — or deck paint , although this often looks rather dense .
10 Although this certainly coincided with attempts to breakdown the work process , matters were bound to be more complicated in such an unequivocally skilled trade .
11 This emerges clearly from Clark 's ( 1982 ) discussion of social security in medieval England , where the emphasis is upon the comparative unimportance of financial support from kin , although this certainly existed .
12 Although this certainly has the requisite speed , do n't be fooled by the title ; this is far more ragga than steppers .
13 The average payment made in 1985 was 852 although this obviously concealed considerable variations .
14 It was not only English intervention which brought this about , for although this undoubtedly tipped the balance , Mary of Guise held Edinburgh castle , and the French appeared almost impregnable in Leith .
15 But , although this undoubtedly reflected increased working-class pressure as full employment was achieved , or approached ( chapters 11 and 12 ) , such pressure drew a response from right-wing governments as well as from those of the left elected as a direct result of it .
16 The blast has led to concern that the bank might be forced to decamp to another set of temporary premises — its third resting place in the 18 months it has been in existence — although this now seems unlikely .
17 Like acid and E , cannabis can cause psychosis to anybody with a disturbed personality , although this only occurs in extreme cases .
18 I was over the moon — although this only lasted for about a year as I paid a visit with some friends to see the 1991 ‘ Sound Off Championships ’ at Wembley .
19 Although this only added to Liza 's frustration , she could not help thinking that the wife to whom he had referred who , unaccountably , had elected to remain in Scotland helping her parents on their estate , deserved to be deceived .
20 A lower number than this generally indicates a tendency to make too many false alarms , a higher number generally indicates a tendency to make too many misses .
21 Many libraries on a slightly larger scale than this still survive and flourish outside the public library system .
22 Trees were planted and picnic seats were purchased , so this now makes a popular place for children and visitors in the summer .
23 There is some Jewish blood on my maternal grandfather 's side , so this only goes to show the uncanny power of the tinkering race .
24 I 'm sorry Mr has referred to closures in their teens cos this again throws residents and staff into total confusion we 're too early in the programme of community care to know how many homes are going to close .
25 If this also ties , then each team captain selects a representative to fight a deciding bout .
26 If this also makes mathematics classrooms places where girls feel more comfortable and therefore encourages them to stay with mathematics longer , that is all to the good .
27 If this also causes aggravation , the remedy can be further diluted in a third cup , and so on .
28 If this diligently managed site is a wilderness , then it is one where the word has radically changed its meaning .
29 And if this only worked because it was not ‘ real life ’ why did it work now ?
30 Well if this only applies to T G I .
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