Example sentences of "[subord] he have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To his credit , or possibly his ignorance , Michael then immediately filmed the next scene , where he had to be seen on the underside of a fire engine 's turntable ladder twenty feet up in the air , being lowered to the ground .
2 ‘ Paul Daniels learned the ropes on the Middlesbrough club scene where he had to be a little tougher to survive the wisecracks , but he comes across as unfriendly on television , ’ he said .
3 In November of the same year he talked on " The Idiom of Modern Verse " to the Cambridge English Club , where he had for one auditor the appearance of " a very shy , neurotic man " 32 In 1937 he gave an address to the Friends of Rochester Cathedral on religious drama , and lectured on Shakespeare at Edinburgh University he told Lawrence Durrell , however , that he seemed to have spoken about what he himself was interested in doing in the theatre and not about Shakespeare at all.In April 1938 he travelled to Lisbon in order to sit on the jury for the Camoens Prize ; when he came back , he had to address the Friends of Salisbury Cathedral on the poetry of George Herbert and then , two months later , talk on " The Future of Poetic Drama " at an International Theatre Congress in Stratford-upon-Avon .
4 He reiterated one of the problems that dogged him throughout life , which was fatigue ; for although he had on the whole a ‘ tough ’ constitution — at least he liked to think so — and tremendous will-power , he had driven himself very hard over the past twenty years .
5 The petition can be signed by the parliamentary agent himself , and this is of value because last-minute instructions are frequently received , and I have known cases where the client has not even seen the petition until after it was deposited , although he has of course cleared the content by telephone .
6 One owner of former Chester Beatty material — although he has in the past denied this — now proving reluctant to return it , is David Nasser Khalili , the dealer/collector who is offering his collection on loan to the British nation ( see The Art Newspaper , No. 21 , October 1992. p.1 ) .
7 He sounded more matter of fact and tired than he had during their last contact .
8 He had loaned five thousand pounds to Phillip Wreck , one of the most notorious villains in Paddington , and in Joe 's mind Michael had more chance of getting the Pope 's inside leg measurement than he had of getting that money back .
9 He still owed her a fiver more than he had on him , she complained .
10 Faldo also made birdies at both the 15th and 16th and putted better than he had on either of the first two days .
11 In the ordinary daylight Adam looked fiercer , wilder , than he had on Starr Hills .
12 The railways undercut his price and he was forced to find many more passengers than he had at first calculated .
13 These days he felt happier than he had at any time in his life .
14 Bigwig was racing back across the field , looking more agitated than he had at any time since the encounter with Captain Holly .
15 Cowslip showed no more concern at Fiver 's tense manner than he had at anything that had gone before .
16 Looking at her more closely , he realized she was much older than he had at first thought .
17 A little over an hour later , Harry felt more in control of events than he had at any time since Heather 's disappearance .
18 He had always considered Sir John a portly , self-indulgent toper , but at this moment the coroner seemed more at ease , sword and dagger in his hands , fighting for his life , than he had at any time since they had met .
19 This morning Luke seemed even less human than he had at the interview when obviously she had caught him in an off moment .
20 Alone with Damian Flint Rachel found him even more formidable than he had at first appeared .
21 We knew that Frank got on better with us than he had with his fellow countrymen and hoped that being with us would help bring him back to himself .
22 Dad kissed me on the forehead and asked me to make another pot of tea and he sat down in his chair and smoked a quiet pipe of tobacco looking happier than he had for days .
23 He felt better than he had for a while , with hard work aching in his bones and the knowledge that he had decided what he must do at last .
24 And , in spite of it , he felt closer to her than he had for months .
25 He felt closer to her than he had for years , as he tried to explain .
26 He felt happier than he had for a long time .
27 He had n't thought further than that and he did n't want to worry Lucy more than he had to .
28 And when they were espoused the King did them great honour , and gave them many noble gifts , and added to Rodrigo 's lands more than he had till then possessed : and he loved him greatly in his heart , because he saw that he was obedient to his commands , and for all that he had heard him say .
29 He looked younger close-up than he had from a distance .
30 In accepting Orlov 's suggestion and transferring Kiselev to Paris , Alexander damaged the prospects of reform to a much greater extent than he had by replacing Bibikov with Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs .
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