Example sentences of "[subord] i know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 My son fishes at the fish farm where I know there is a responsible adult who he can ask for help if needed .
2 My son fishes quite often at the fish farm where I know there is a responsible adult who he can ask for help if needed .
3 So , but where I know it is a bit difficult with clothes because a market stall erm you do n't , you do n't normally get a chance to try the clothes on erm and you 're never absolutely sure are these clothes , is this garment going to fit or not ?
4 He likes these contacts with the more substantial world and happily hurries off in the direction of his stationery shop and fax bureau , where I know he will encounter many difficulties .
5 I do n't want to sound as if I have n't got sympathy with people 'cause I know it 's bloody hard , but I know a lot of blacks who use it [ blackness ] as an excuse and we 've got to be careful that we do n't use it like that .
6 Its very 'cause I know it is when I was there oh I will be able to see it once or twice more in my life and that 's it
7 We had moved to the edges of our previously closed system of thought and action , both physically and philosophically , and almost implicitly came to recognize that the ‘ foundation metaphors ’ which Turner identifies as being crucial to transformational experience of liminality were making paradigmatic statements about our own cultural format ; although I know we would have been unable to articulate this .
8 There were several bulls in the dale , but I can not recall any serious incidents with them , although I know they can be very dangerous .
9 Although I know there are those who work for different ends from most of us in this House , yet there are many in all ranks and all parties who will re-echo my prayer : ‘ Give peace in our time , O Lord . ’
10 I have a Roland U220 which would give me the sounds I want although I know it would not give me the great note-sequence loops which McLaughlin uses so beautifully .
11 I remember when I married him but I do n't remember when I met him , although I know it was just ten days between the two occasions .
12 I have done the route a dozen or more times since that distant autumn , and although I know it is ‘ easy ’ I have never set off across that huge ceiling without a feeling of apprehension .
13 Although I know it 's a problem in the eyes of the public and the Health Service , I try not to think of it as a problem personally , y'know what I mean .
14 ‘ It is not my story , ’ said Raynor , speaking slowly now , ‘ and although I know it , the Cruithin will know the whole . ’
15 Such chivalry is rarely met with by such as I , and although I know I should refuse it , for it will put you in debt , I confess I can not . ’
16 And now I must pack up and take the road ; you 'll be keeping me company on a long night march , although I know you 're asleep in our nice warm bed …
17 You have told me you had a ticket to Miami to go and shoot herself and Jimmy Zaidie but you cancelled it , although I know you did go to Miami subsequently ( around Christmas time 1986 ) to carry out your threat . ’
18 They say , ‘ Thank you for playing the hymn , you did n't mention my name so although I know you were n't playing it just for me , I felt as if you were ’ .
19 This will have an application ultimately , perhaps , to treatment of anaemia in people , although I know you 're working large on bacteria ?
20 Same when I 'm , when I 'm in Italy , I , I ca n't speak Italian very well , but when I 'm there a week , I pick up words very quickly and although I know my grammar is n't perfect , I can form sentences in a way that people do understand me , .
21 She 's not too unpleasant , even if she does pretend to like me more than I know she really does .
22 of them , I 've had 'em before so I know they 're nice
23 I 've been through both already so I know what I 'm talking about .
24 So I know what goes on in football clubs .
25 Tension just builds up and it builds up , and when you come out you say , ‘ Right , I 've got nothing to lose anyway , I 've been to prison so I know what it 's like .
26 I have been a supporter of this club since before the war , so I know what I am talking about .
27 Honestly , Les , this team is the biggest load of rubbish we have had here since I 've been a supporter and I started before the war , so I know what I am talking about .
28 I was once a student too , you know , so I know what I 'm talking about . ’
29 ‘ I was captain of Darlington for many years so I know what it is like in his job .
30 I want to give it to Angela to put away now so I know my money 's put a way .
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