Example sentences of "[subord] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's all a bit iff in the clouds
2 Where in the past this tended to be a self-contained exercise — and perhaps more obviously artificial because of it — the pattern nowadays is for the group treasury function to be moved offshore en bloc .
3 In spite of the continuing scepticism and regardless of the clinical faults of the new drugs , many attempts were made to find out how and where in the brain they worked .
4 But the aim is to discover not merely whether there is more radioactivity in the brains of the trained compared with the control chicks , but just where in the brain it is located .
5 Towards Plymouth , down deep hedge-lined lanes , is a soothing prelude to lunch at Thurlestone Hotel , Thurlestone near Kingsbridge ( ) , where in the verandah style Margaret Amelia restaurant overlooking the cliff-top golf course liberal use is made of Devon 's produce , from creams to meats and salmon from the Avon , oysters from along the coast and crab from Salcombe .
6 " On the question of conduct , who does what , who goes where in the jungle , " the senator was saying , " the word of Monsieur Jacques Devraux will be law .
7 British Telecommunications Plc says that the bid by AT&T Co to operate in the UK could speed liberalisation of the key North Atlantic telecommunications route , and reckons that the matter could be settled within months ; AT&T says that it would much preferred to have entered the UK market with a local partner but saw no prospect of that ( it had been negotiating with Cable & Wireless Plc for a stake in Mercury Communications Ltd ; meanwhile each side throws regulatory brickbats at the other , with AT&T complaining that it has to deal — on a confidential basis — with British Telecom on interconnect and access charges where in the US , charges are much lower and have to be applied within the operator 's own business as well — and that simply applying for a licence in the UK costs $70,000 against just $610 in the US ; British Telecom complains that it was n't allowed to increase its 20% stake in McCaw Cellular Communications Inc and achieve a management position — and likely would be barred from buying MCI Communications Inc , where AT&T would be free to buy Vodafone Group Plc — or even Mercury , outright , if it wanted to .
8 Where in the north did Ipuky 's wife go ?
9 She had found an opportunity to creep into the large saloon at the front downstairs , where in the gloom created by the velvet curtains drawn across the windows she had seen that the large and ugly old-fashioned Queen Anne furniture was shrouded in sheets .
10 Baidoa , where in the middle of last year 500 people were dying each day , is no longer a charnel-house ; nor are Merca , Bardera or Kismayu .
11 Where in the detective short story ingenuity was , in principle , the only quality called for , in the crime short story ingenuity has to be at the service of imagination .
12 In those areas , where in the interests of equity and efficiency , local management being extended to all schools , the small primary school will have the same range of managerial and administrative responsibilities as the large secondary school .
13 A magistrates ' court may transfer private law proceedings where in the interests of the child they could be dealt with more appropriately in the county court ( APO , art 8 ) .
14 There is no set rate for this ; it depends on how many bedrooms you have , the type of property ( whether it 's detached , semi detached , a house or a bungalow and so on ) and where in the country you live .
15 Given that industrial democracy , defined as the ultimate right and duty of the men and women working in an industrial enterprise to call management to account for its performance , and , if that performance does not satisfy them , to replace management , is desirable in principle and as a means of making the efficient conduct of the enterprise their natural concern ; recognising that the rights of use attaching to ownership , whether in the private or public sector , are inalienable ; recognising the value in general of competition as a means of keeping production and provision sensitive to public needs and tastes , and as a means of relating the distribution of resources to them ; to consider ( i ) in what sort of industrial organisation would industrial democracy be feasible ; ( ii ) how far and in what circumstances would the adoption of such a form of organisation be feasible ; ( iii ) by what means should its adoption be promoted and how long would it take to establish it as a characteristic feature in the industrial scene ; ( iv ) what part should trade unions play in its promotion and adoption and what changes would that part require in their functions as they are commonly understood ; and ( v ) where in the case of a particular industry , or organisation , the general interest requires that accountability should be to the public at large , considered for example as consumers or users of goods produced or beneficiaries from services provided , what compensatory measures should be introduced so as to make good as far as possible the permanent denial to employees of a right which is in principle generally desirable ?
16 32 ( 1 ) Subject to subsection ( 3 ) below , where in the case of any action for which a period of limitation is prescribed by this Act , either — ( a ) the action is based upon the fraud of the defendant ; or ( b ) any fact relevant to the plaintiff 's right of action has been deliberately concealed from him by the defendant ; or ( c ) the action is for relief from the consequences of a mistake ; the period of limitation shall not begin to run until the plaintiff has discovered the fraud , concealment or mistake ( as the case may be ) or could with reasonable diligence have discovered it …
17 Clearly this model has considerable relevance in an NHS context , where in the majority of cases purchasers and providers are locked into each other for a large part of their business ; the information base on demand , cost and quality is poor and transaction costs are potentially high .
18 China , Rachel had told Maggie , was the place for dragons , where it was hot , and where in the villages great paper ones were paraded with veneration .
19 I think what your question means is , where in the hierarchy of importance would I put my collecting , and I think I would safely put it as one of the most important things in my life , certainly ahead of the army and horses , farmer and publisher .
20 Where in the authorities difficulty has arisen this has often been the result of the introduction of an issue whether the creditor appointed the debtor as its agent to obtain the signature of the surety to the charge upon which the creditor sought to rely .
21 This reminded me of our own village , where in the summer holidays the regular players on the bowling-green , mostly older citizens , are teaching the children to play .
22 They were sitting as they always did when her father was home , in the large airy dining room which looked out on the stone patio where in the summer clematis bloomed white and purple .
23 When roads , buildings , telegraph-poles and trees are in view , it is easy to judge distances , but in the desert , where in the morning and evening there is not even a haze to blur distant outlines , it is nearly impossible .
24 Even more significantly this teacher goes on to express the view that this approach is not incompatible with the examination system , where in the context of the GCSE , the personal and professional experience the tutor has of each student 's progress and development is counterpoised with the more objective and detached assessment of the external moderator .
25 Where in the world is the water ?
26 Chris believes that the constant temperatures provided by heaterstats are not good for the fish and he does have a point — where in the world does the water temperature remain stable all year round , both day and night ?
27 " Where in the world have you been ? "
28 He must be a man now , and she , Cynthia , had not the slightest idea where in the world he was .
29 The council may recommend the nature and form of a reply or correction ‘ including , in appropriate cases , where in the paper it should be published ’ .
30 Where in the ward do accidents most frequently occur ?
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