Example sentences of "[subord] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her mother , although of the mentality that refuses such places because of the price of the uniform , was luckily not in a social or financial position where she could reasonably do so , and although she was often unreasonable enough , she did not like to appear to be so in the eyes of the whole neighbourhood , so she constrained her parsimony and her innate distrust in education into selecting the less distinguished of the schools available , on the grounds that the bus fare was cheaper .
2 ( g ) The granting of a licence other than of the type applied for amounts to a refusal of an application .
3 Such revolutionaries also complain that by adhering so closely to the old subject divisions , in the past characteristic more of GCE O levels than of the CSE , those who devised the new examination missed a great opportunity .
4 A similar state of affairs had existed only at the very dawn of coinage when , in a number of areas including Asia Minor or Athens , a variety of personal designs had appeared , perhaps implying that for a short time after its inception coinage was sometimes produced on the authority of prominent individuals rather than of the state .
5 At the same time it urged the US Federal Reserve Board to revert to pre-1979 policies , concentrating on management of interest rates rather than of the money supply .
6 Bigger and bigger telescopes were used to investigate whether nebulae were star-clusters or stars in the making ; this was something the spectroscope ultimately answered , because some nebulae gave bright-line spectra characteristic of hot gas rather than of the Sun or a star .
7 The company was less a victim of the recession than of the peace dividend , having geared up for military orders which failed to materialise .
8 However , formative uses of criterion-referencing , given for diagnostic purposes for example , and at the convenience of the teacher rather than of the scheme , may be very valuable in a classroom .
9 Since clerics had been essentially servants of the Crown rather than of the Church , the change may not be thought to have made much difference .
10 In another reinterpretation , in 1874 , the Rev. Sedley Taylor of Cambridge talked of the trial of Galileo , drawing attention to the possibility of a forged Inquisition minute , and the probability therefore that Galileo ought to have been acquitted whatever one thought of the general merits of his theories ; his condemnation was the fault of a dirty tricks brigade rather than of the Church .
11 Even Darwin admitted that his confidence was tested when he contemplated the vertebrate eye , although he went on to say that this was more a failure of the imagination than of the intellect .
12 In the twelfth century marriages were generally arranged by parents , guardians or overlords , so this move was quite normal for the time , marriages being primarily matters of finance or territory , rather than of the heart .
13 Such excess were no doubt the responsibility of her courtiers or producers rather than of the Queen herself , but they became associated with her .
14 But once that is an essential step in the explanation , we no longer need the biological element in the explanation ( of the prohibition , that is to say , rather than of the inhibition ) .
15 Indeed , one empirical reason why a certain category within a Montague grammar should be basic may be precisely a high pragmatic probability of its isolated use in fruitful exchanges : here the grammar of conversation rather than of the sentence may become crucial .
16 They concluded that the wary response is more characteristic of the social circumstance than of the individual 's level of development .
17 This international acceptance was emphatically less the result of the peace process than of the Uprising .
18 The failure to arrive at any detailed results is a reflection of the complexity of the issues involved rather than of the failure of the protagonists of the human capital theory to recognise the problem .
19 Bolinger gives the following set of examples , which do genuinely appear to show qualification of the sense alone , that is , of the property which identifies the entity , rather than of the entity itself : ( 1 ) total stranger lawful heir distant cousin mere kid To these , we might add the cases in ( 2 ) ; notice that the last example would be self-contradictory if the adjective were interpreted as an ordinary attributive : ( 2 ) Brent is a strong Republican the document was a complete blank ( If faced with a claim that we can explain the peculiarity of these adjectives by simply stating that they are adverbial impostors , we may respond that , even supposing that , deep down , there may be something adverbial about them , nonetheless speakers have chosen to use an adjective rather than an adverb , and this adjectival use needs to be described and if possible explained .
20 The ending of what amounted to class segregation was less a matter of the democratic spirit of professionals finally asserting itself than of the decline of the amateur .
21 John Osborne 's Look Back in Anger was presented in a new production in 1989 as a study of a failed marriage rather than of the playwright 's early ideological concerns .
22 Like thematic structure , information structure is a feature of the context rather than of the language system as such .
23 Surely it is better to speak ill of the dead than of the living .
24 This was to be achieved through fascination with base material ( excrement , big toes , freaks , anything that highminded principles and good taste decreed lowly ) ; through an obsessional interest in ritual and religiosity , a pagan celebration of the moment rather than investment in a scheme of forward planning and providence , a pagan worship of the icon-in-all-its-materiality rather than of the Essence .
25 Interpersonal arguments and difficulties were also a more common feature of the experiences of depressed patients than of the comparison group .
26 On this point , however , he did not follow her , for he clearly took her to be complaining of the endemic tediousness of all lectures , rather than of the inadequacy of this particular lot : he equally clearly did not wholly concede the point , for he said , faintly , falsely , without enthusiasm , " Oh yes , I suppose they were .
27 When allowance is made for the rather lower gravity of Venus than of the Earth , and the consequent lower degree of internal compression , then the uncompressed densities of the Earth and Venus would be similar .
28 However , the European Monetary System itself shows what can ( and can not ) be achieved in the grey area between political agreement and ‘ soft ’ law : its ground-rules adopted in December 1978 are contained in a ‘ Resolution ’ ( an act nowhere defined in the Treaties ) of the ‘ European Council ’ ( a body whose existence was first legally recognized in the Single European Act and which is treated in the Maastricht Treaty as an organ of the Union rather than of the Community ) .
29 At the same time , many critics show notable preference for stories with a moral conclusion over those which seem to offer simple entertainment ; and any critic who looks at a book from the angle of the potential reader rather than of the book itself is in danger of being tempted by false hierarchies .
30 The initiatives are more examples of the topic based , ‘ one off ’ style of health education than of the sort of approach that is now generally advocated , which involves a comprehensive and coordinated programme of health education across the curriculum and throughout the school career .
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