Example sentences of "[subord] we [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where we asked for marks out of ten , or thermometer ratings out of a hundred , we can use relative scores for different parties to construct measures of preference .
2 It led to an abandoned fishing hamlet called Hamningberg , where we camped for the night in a grassy field studded with interesting saxifrages and other flowers .
3 Another area is that of foregrounding , where we draw on the terminology of traditional poetics ( " metaphor " , " metonymy " , onomatopoeia " , etc ) .
4 It'a away at Man City and considering the last two visits to Maine road where we let in 4 goals each game , Is there any chance of us winning this game ? considering also that we did n't win any away games last season .
5 Her sons would often invite me to some remote corner where we hoped against hope that we would not disturb the siesta of the compound , though we were rarely successful .
6 We proceeded from the old bay at Caraven Arms used by the BC Railway and walked by road to the site of the old Strettford Bridge Junction , where we took to the old track bed as far as Glen Burrell Bridge , where we joined the road again , calling in on the Rev. Ray Arnold at Horderley , who was waiting with coffee and biscuits .
7 stales like wine where we loll on grass ,
8 Her girlfriend , Josephine , does not take to the water , so Kelly and I go in alone with Simone , treading in unison till the chill is mellowed , and swim to the deep end where we cling to the buoy and discuss other people .
9 March and February we spent on the Brenner , where we lodged at three different farmsteads .
10 We were jolted from the Delta to the coast , where we disappeared into a giant galvanised iron shed .
11 SIR — I have just returned with my family from Tignes , France , where we cheered on my son Graham Nugent and his fellow team members in the fifth Paralympics .
12 We cycled down through Vigo to the port , where we jostled with the locals to get the bikes aboard a ferry across the Ria de Vigo to Cangas on the Peninsula de Morazo , before cycling to the little sleepy fishing village of Bueu , which was quiet and unspoilt .
13 In the afternoon we visited the Priory ruins where we prayed for unity and for the Decade of Evangelisation and finished off with a lusty rendition of Faith of our Fathers !
14 A villainous raid upon the Stockade where the men do lie and even upon ourselves where we dwell at Belmont would have robbed us of all we have assured thus far by the Grace of God .
15 Nevertheless , he has not honoured the spirit of the words that he used in Committee , where we engaged in a long debate about the value of the assets and the effect on the workers .
16 We also had a polyester business where we had to both change the technology and the products if we were to win .
17 Time for souvenirs for loved ones : a candle lit and a cuppa , all too soon lunchtime and then the gather in Friday Market where we met with the pilgrims from Hull , Middlesbrough ( day group ) and Stroud Green , N. London — all bathed in sunshine .
18 I often get ten minutes with her in a corridor , and sit quite near her table in the cafeteria , and there 's a stairwell where we go and kiss — where we breathe into one another .
19 But we do say that its object [ has ] been gained , and that after all the stir and excitement , the inconvenience … we are back where we wished to be , and with the miners ' case under negotiation .
20 At the time of going to press he was back in the Gulf , where we hear from another source that he is a popular figure with the British forces — not always the case with French journalists .
21 That the issues are very much alive becomes plainer still in the final chapter , Chapter 9 , where we admit to disagreeing on them !
22 That evening we left Fort St Nogent on a coach for the Gare de Lyons where we embarked for the south of France on an overnight express .
23 On the contrary , the study of the humanities is essential to society as a whole , since ‘ the humanities are concerned with a truthful understanding of where we are and where we come from ’ .
24 When we were born we did n't have this difficulty — we did things how we felt like , when we felt like and where we felt like .
25 I learned to love what Diana and Mary loved — the little old grey house , the wild open moors around it , and the lonely hills and valleys where we walked for hours .
26 At midday Romany cut the engines , and Milhaez steered the barge into a narrow inlet where we moored between the bank and a low island of reeds and stunted palms .
27 The general equilibrium of the economy involves solving these three equations for X , n m and n r , where we substitute for X m and X r from ( 7–45 ) and ( 7–48 ) .
28 At one end of the town was a bank where we went on our first day to change some money .
29 But , that where we went to that pub that time with Geoff , that 's the first time I 've been up there .
30 ‘ We shouted back , trying to explain who we were and where we came from .
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