Example sentences of "[subord] she [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Constance said nothing but walked back into the kitchen , where she lifted the lid off the soup and stood staring at it .
2 An hour later , Lalage came tip-toeing into her room where she heard a dog whining gently .
3 This bitch was also mated before she came into quarantine in this country , where she produced a large litter of ten .
4 She walked at a leisurely pace to the back of the hold , where she unlocked a control panel and pressed several buttons .
5 Mrs James then told the court how she and Mr Loxton had been transported by the police to Nottingham some time later , where she saw the same man in a street there .
6 She went to the headquarters of the Special Air Services in Hereford where she underwent a ‘ terrifying ’ driving course where she learnt the basic techniques in handling a possible terrorist attack or kidnap attempt .
7 The sign on his door said Engaged , and she smiled as she crept up to the next landing , where she knew the keyhole window that overlooked his study .
8 She got wearily out of the car and tramped across the car park to the reception lobby , where she asked the receptionist with peroxided hair if she could phone the AA .
9 A harsh judgement would occasionally be reprieved by intervention from his sister , who sat by his side where she judged the women .
10 Suitably deglamorised , even to the extent of hiding her shapeliness beneath loose-fitting garments , she made her way to G Vasey Ltd , where she spent a morning being shown to her office , and being introduced around the contracts and purchasing department .
11 No one who saw the 1986 Gold Cup and knew of Dawn Run 's subsequent fate could look with unmixed emotions on her statue by the Cheltenham parade ring , where she left a permanent mark on racing history .
12 Moments later Rachel was beside the patient again , where she administered the antianginal medication spray beneath his tongue , then , closing his mouth , put the oxygen mask over his nose to assist his breathing .
13 She was privately educated , and then went to Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford , where she took a third class in classical honour moderations in 1897 .
14 She is in good form and hoping to break the 10-hour barrier today , having already done so in the European Ironman in August , where she took an individual bronze and a team gold medal .
15 They were in cupboards , boxes , bags , under beds , in drawers , behind cushions , and even in the big soup pan where she made the marvellous soups .
16 Sitting on the next barstool was an antiques dealer called James ; he discussed his feelings with Clare for the next two hours and then took her to dinner at the Ox on the Roof , where she chose the most filling dishes .
17 After they left , the victim became ill and was taken to hospital where she died a few hours later .
18 There she acquired the qualifications that took her in 1881 to Newnham College , Cambridge , where she got a first in the moral sciences tripos in 1884 , and a second in history in 1885 ; she also helped to form the Association of Assistant Mistresses .
19 But the alternative of returning to the hall , and traversing its crowded sixty-foot length to gain the opposite staircase leading to the upper storey , where she shared a tiny chamber with Adele and two of Matilda 's ladies , was just as unappealing .
20 What she did was to go through her cupboards , where she discovered a dress which had once belonged to Clara 's cousin , and which had been enclosed years before in a charitable parcel of hands-on .
21 At last , in an effort to bring her mind back to an even keel , she went to the office , where she discovered a pile of farm accounts had been left on the desk .
22 Born in New York City in 1944 , Anne , the daughter of a schoolteacher mother and a father who was an assistant librarian in the business section at Columbia University , was raised in Chappaqua , NY , where she attended the Horace Greeley School .
23 She came to England in 1904 to study at the London School of Economics , where she wrote a doctoral thesis on the development of New South Wales , gaining a D.Sc .
24 She travelled in Greece , Italy , and Algeria , where she studied the flora and drew plants in their natural habitat .
25 She looked around the vestibule , suddenly aware that this room where she ate a brioche and drank milky coffee as if at a feast of the gods on those mornings when she managed to get up in time was a mere dingy parlour , the curtains grey with city smuts , the tables pocked and charred by cigarettes .
26 One of Aunt Tossie 's luxuries was an early breakfast in bed — later she came down to the dining room where she ate a second .
27 He followed her into the sitting-room , where she cut the sound on the television but left the picture .
28 This was the first of the eight birdies Davies gathered , the best of all being her three at the 315-yard 13th hole , where she drove the green .
29 She rubbed her arm , where she had a large bruise above the elbow .
30 Editorial assistant Paula Lockey spent a day at Grayshott Hall Health and Fitness Resort where she had a body massage , a reflexology consultation and an hour-long Cathiodermie facial .
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