Example sentences of "[subord] at a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 IN A culture and a century that have doubts about matching up to Prince Hamlet , feeling fitted at best to the role of attendant lord , it 's astonishing that Shakespeare 's Henry V should become , except at a time of national emergency , a resonant figure of any sort .
2 It 's astonishing that Shakespeare 's Henry V should become , except at a time of national emergency , a resonant figure .
3 Fourthly , the terms of the lease may prohibit letting except at a rack rent .
4 Do you not agree that you writers have had an easier time of it than we in the West , in a closed society where your cultural values are protected , albeit at a price ?
5 Their versatility and light weight makes them attractive for backpacking — albeit at a price .
6 These enable the original owner of the deposit to sell its ownership to a third party if the need arises and make the time deposit instantly realisable , albeit at a price .
7 An annuity is an arrangement with a financial institution whereby , if you are over retirement age and do not want to leave your property to anyone when you die , they will effectively buy your house from you ( albeit at a bit less than the market price ) , give you guaranteed security of tenure until you die , and turn the money that they pay you for the house into a regular income for life .
8 Labour governments have been able virtually to ignore the demands of the left without provoking massive popular protest ( albeit at a cost of running down the party 's membership and activist support ) while the Heath government found that its tough anti-union stance , however much in accord with ‘ public opinion ’ , was unworkable , with the electorate recoiling from its practical consequences .
9 Where it falls down is the support for only 256 real colours in this version , albeit at a resolution of 1024x768 and dithered to over 16 million with the Tseng Labs ET4000 video driver loaded .
10 If you do not like what happens at a school , you should discuss it with the headmaster , but bear in mind that teachers at a boarding school are acting much more in loco parentis than at a day school and may feel that very firm action is essential .
11 Until you are within a minute or two of your ETA , there is no need to call for QDMs more frequently than at a half to one minute intervals .
12 Contrary to normal practice , ‘ the most discussed football official of recent years ’ , as the Daily Mail described him , had his team training at Highbury in the week before the final , rather than at a country or seaside resort ( Brighton was later to become the favoured Cup training ground ) .
13 Where Niall was concerned , by means of careful avoidance , she had n't seen him , other than at a distance , for the past two days .
14 ‘ My name is Captain Trentham , ’ the man informed the expectant band of untrained warriors , in an accent that Charlie suspected would have sounded more in place in Mayfair than at a railway station in Scotland .
15 In addition , by having this land available at the value of its current use , rather than at a value based on speculation as to its possible development , the community will be able to provide , in the places that need them , the public facilities it needs , but can not now afford because of the inflated price it has to pay to the private owner .
16 Being at the start of a slimming programme , rather than at a midway stage .
17 Instead , cross at lights whenever possible or at a clear stretch of road where there is good visibility , rather than at a corner .
18 The noise is louder than at a dog track .
19 An elderly verger once confided to me that he felt happier at a good funeral than at a wedding .
20 It was more like being present at a seance than at a lecture .
21 It seems more likely that the decisive factor is the improvement in the antibacterial activity of amoxicillin after profound inhibition of acid secretion , because the MIC values of amoxicillin against H pylori are appreciably lower at neutral pH , for example , than at a pH of 5.5 .
22 All was well until at a meeting on 16 August 1889 at Euston , when the directors heard ‘ that a meeting is to be held tomorrow , Saturday the 17 inst. , in the Schools at Stantonbury when the question of recommending a school Board for the Parish of Bradwell in lieu of the present voluntary arrangement is to be considered . ’
23 From the mound , he heard voices of people singing , as if at a banquet .
24 Meredith in the high flow of his talk would describe anybody of whatever age or sex as ‘ gentlemen ’ as if at a council meeting .
25 But the gabble was such that the child could n't distinguish what it was they wanted , until the old woman cried , ‘ No candy rock today ! 'T IS all gone , all gone , ’ at which , one after the other , the children , as if at a signal , stopped gabbling and took up the chant : ‘ Raggie Aggie !
26 as if at a signal , nine silver-helmed figures stepped from the forest and stood round the edge of the glade , spears glinting in the gloom .
27 She looked around the vestibule , suddenly aware that this room where she ate a brioche and drank milky coffee as if at a feast of the gods on those mornings when she managed to get up in time was a mere dingy parlour , the curtains grey with city smuts , the tables pocked and charred by cigarettes .
28 Grant looks this way and that , as if at a junction .
29 Her crew lined up on deck as gravely as if at a business meeting .
30 Speaking brightly to close the gaps , as if at a party ) : So it 's getting near Christmas .
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