Example sentences of "[subord] at [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Some ( although at present very few ) companies also explain the responsibilities and work of their audit committees .
2 Offa 's Dyke , covering lines some 150 miles long , although at points perhaps relying on rivers rather than ramparts for defence , is a work which reveals a tremendous ability to organise labour : the Danish Danevirke is child 's play compared with it .
3 The obstetric related problems , as defined in Table 15 , are far more frequently the cause of maternal deaths at maternal ages 45 and over than at ages below 15 years .
4 In Japan , the relationship between maternal age and late fetal death ratios is " J " shaped at most birth orders , but the pattern is more variable in the two central European countries , where the ratios are either increasing with successive age classes ( beginning with the youngest ) as the first , third ( except at age group 25–29 years ) and sixth and higher orders , or the relation is " J " shaped ( somewhat lower at ages 20–24 than at ages under 20 and increasing thereafter , with the highest risks at the oldest ages ) as at the second and fourth orders of reverse " J " shaped as at the fifth birth order .
5 Formations of the more modern kinds may be seen to occur , typically , at points of transition and intersection within a complex social history , but the individuals who at once compose the formations and are composed by them have a further complex range of diverse positions , interests and influences , some of which are resolved ( if at times only temporarily ) by the formations , others of which remain as internal differences , as tensions , and often as the grounds for subsequent divergences , breakaways , breakups and further attempted formations .
6 More prosaically , the army farrier was less in demand in England than on the oft-warring Continent , and our island country was only sporadically , even if at times seriously , exposed to the ravages of epidemic disease in its animal stocks .
7 In practice , that means training them above all to teach beginners , since at present perhaps half of those who start learning a foreign language in the first year of secondary school have given it up by the end of the third year .
8 He opened by expressing his gratitude to all present that the discussions during the previous two days , ‘ though at times exhilaratingly frank ’ , had been conducted in a spirit of friendship and the desire to see good prevail .
9 Perhaps it 's his ideal part , though at times too low .
10 Defence must be Gordon 's main worry , however , as at times yesterday , notably when Shaun Edwards found an ocean of space to lay on a try for Andy Platt , the tourists fell short of decent club standards .
11 Tom walks over to a pizza stall , looking as at home here as a row of tulips in the Gobi Desert .
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