Example sentences of "[subord] you go up " in BNC.

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1 What she did like was a roundabout where you went up and down gradually as over waves , in a car that swung slightly but did n't turn .
2 Where you going up ?
3 And conditions were still at just about the same , but it had been an old hotel , so all the rooms at the top were left just as the bedrooms would have been , so you went up and down steps , and along corridors .
4 It would cause a fight if you went up there .
5 If you went up the railway embankment at night , he said , you could look straight into the window of the room Uncle Titch had given her and see her getting undressed .
6 Er and I remember , I remember Street West , when the right hand side of Street west going from Road , every house was empty before the First World War and they gave somebody er somebody who lives in the end one and they were rent free if they keep all the rest clean , and always you see house to let where wherever it was in every street there was houses to let , and the price of the house in Street must be about eight shillings a week in those days , and then if you went up to I mean you 'd get in the twelve and sixpenny bracket and down in , those houses down in the that they were ten and six or something like that er
7 If you went up there you would n't be , you would n't be happy up there .
8 I mean like you 're quite small framed are n't you so , if you went up to ten stone you 'd look huge
9 So she goes well she reckons it 'll be a good idea if you went up to meet the little lad , he 's only six , he 's called Mark .
10 I thought if you went up and yo and yo we , you went back down you could keep your higher class .
11 But if you went up
12 If you went up .
13 If you go up there , ’ he said , ‘ you will see them .
14 ‘ But if you go up high enough , there is no down .
15 ‘ Ca n't you find the quarry if you go up high enough ? ’ said Angalo .
16 ‘ You ought to be able to see it , if you go up high enough . ’
17 Once in a while at least , the philosopher must be allowed to approach the psychologist as a counsellor and to say : if you leave the Sorbonne by the exit in the Rue Saint-Jacques , you can either turn up the hill or go down towards the river : if you go up , you will get to the Panthéon which is the resting place of a few great men , but if you go downhill then you 're bound to end up at the Préfecture de Police .
18 The hunting season for the palombe is short but deadly , and if you go up into the hills while it is on , the local men will be crouched there in their camouflage jackets , or lined up at stands along the roads , their shotguns aimed hungrily out over the valley .
19 Florence C commands both saw and herself because if you go up the tree from Florence you find the first branching node , that 's the S node and that dominates both saw and herself .
20 Okay and saw C commands herself because if you go up the tree from saw to the first branching node , you 'll find that branching node also dominates herself .
21 If you go up Elland Rd ( from that roundabout ) , you will find the official Leeds car/coach park on the left … its well hidden , and is basically a big field … you normally get a police officer standing just outside it .
22 Yeah , if you go up to that door
23 You 're in danger of every time you 're praising that person , they 're going to be sitting back waiting for the straight away , so you could n't , if you go up to somebody and they 've generally done a superb job and you ca n't fault him , and he knows he 's done a really good job , but he 's just sitting back waiting for you to way what , what you 've done wrong .
24 If you go up there just leave them as they are do n't leave them all over the place .
25 so I said if you go up and see Pat I said I 'm sure Pat will say well you know why do n't you use the kitchen and come and live in
26 if you go up
27 And if you go up from Bristol on from here you go up the motorway to Bristol and then you go along the M four to London well north of Bristol , up where the River Severn gets quite narrow and can be bridged is a city called Gloucester and Cheltenham is just inland from Gloucester .
28 If you go up and want a T-shirt you go to that pile .
29 If you go up and want a sweat shirt you go that pile .
30 Well if you go up
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