Example sentences of "[subord] [conj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many are apocryphal , although where a thatcher makes use of straw which contains a few ears of grain , rats may be a problem .
2 For Carolingian royal rights had applied everywhere except where a grant of immunity blocked them ; but Capetian royal rights were respecters of strongly entrenched vested interests .
3 If the costs are not paid then , except where a defence to costs has been filed , the plaintiff may enter judgment in default for them .
4 Except where a certificate for summary administration has been issued , as soon as practicable in the twelve week period after the making of a bankruptcy order , the official receiver must decide whether or not to summon a meeting of creditors for the purpose of choosing someone to be the trustee of the estate in his place ( s 293(1) ) .
5 Except where a delay or derogation was allowed under the Directive — and the UK had now also accepted that its grounds for derogation had all along been invalid — ‘ all supplies of drinking water in the United Kingdom were required to be in compliance with the Directive by 20 July ’ .
6 Except where a quotation states otherwise , all quotations based on a tonnage rate shall apply to the gross weight unless :
7 Copies of judgments are to be sent in all cases except where a warrant of execution is issued straight away ( Ord 22 , r 1(3) ) .
8 A new extra-statutory concession has also been published to the effect that the Board of Inland Revenue will accept group relief claims signed by a person the company has authorised to make the claim , except where a liquidator has been appointed .
9 It was agreed to incorporate most of the alterations , except that a compromise was reached on the Craft subjects .
10 2.2 Section 1(2) ( c ) of the 1934 Act expressly stated before amendment that where the act or omission that gives rise to the cause of action results in death the damages are to be calculated without reference to any loss or gain to the deceased 's estate consequent on his death , except that a sum in respect of funeral expenses may be included .
11 The next move is blind … one committing lunge … into the fire … except that a piece of sturdy tat winks at you .
12 Except that a lot of the information we have both lost was about the Lucy Ghosts .
13 Where a company or group has more than one pension scheme , disclose details on a combined basis , where possible , except that a deficiency of funding in one scheme should not be offset against a surplus in another scheme .
14 In that , it is rather like an achene , except that a nut is derived from two or more carpels while the achene comes from a single carpel .
15 First , the ‘ hard look ’ test is contrasted with the ‘ kid glove ’ standard of review within the United Kingdom under the Wednesbury test which is said to demand no more than that a decision be not so unreasonable that no reasonable body could make it .
16 I think that ha has to be in on if you 're on a slightly longer course than that a day you
17 This means no more than that a statement to that effect will be included in the order paper .
18 This is not an argument against abortion , but the legitimacy of this procedure needs to be based on a concept other than that a woman may choose how she wishes to use her body .
19 A couple of quid in those days , most blokes do n't get much more than that a week did they ?
20 . Whatever opinions may be entertained concerning Mosley and his movement , there could be no graver stigma on the so-called freedom of expression said to prevail in Britain than that a body of Englishmen should be prevented from expressing their views by an Oriental confectioner .
21 If a lexicon contains many words which occur rarely or never in the input material , this will introduce costs of storage and search , although if a lexicon is too small , words will be rejected .
22 They 're proud of their DIY achievements , which they often find better — and a lot more satisfying — than if a professional had done it for them .
23 It seems that more significant than whether a parent tells you you are beautiful is whether they give you the message that you are ‘ good enough ’ , in Deborah 's words .
24 What such an identification involved becomes apparent in Prisoner in a passage which renders the crucial difference not one of colour , yet by the same criterion reinstates the distinction between blacks and whites : ‘ What separates us from the Blacks today is not so much the colour of our skin or the type of our hair as the phantom-ridden psyche we never see except when a Black lets fall some joking and to us cryptic phrase .
25 The night air was cool and sweet , the country dark limitless ; he picked his way along the road almost by instinct , except when a quarter moon found a space between clouds .
26 Except when a gull blows through
27 I have witnessed many occasions when foreigners have unintentionally caused misunderstanding or even offence in speaking to an English person , but can remember very few occasions when this could be attributed to ‘ using the wrong intonation ’ except when a mistake caused a difference in apparent grammatical meaning ( something that is dealt with in the next chapter ) .
28 Except when a member wants to make a point of order during a division .
29 This mixture of fish gets on fine in my tank , except when a week after buying them , the Rainbows spawned which caused chaos as they pushed everything to the other end of the tank .
30 You will probably be responsible for the first £35 of each claim in respect of baggage , money , medical expenses and cancellation and curtailment ( except when a claim is made for the initial holiday deposit ) .
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