Example sentences of "[subord] [conj] [pers pn] first " in BNC.

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1 Although when they first walked in and found you out cold on the floor , they thought you were one of the gang too !
2 Whereas this job , although it centres around the similar sort of thing , has become much more diverse particularly in the last three or four years with our involvement with deposit of poisonous waste and site licensing … ; planning applications are referred to a lot more now than when I first started .
3 Only the sound of the engine , and my eyes shifting from the mist and the road to take covert glances at his face ; I knew no more about him now than when I first met him , except what he had told me on the flight down from Mexico .
4 And good voice training will make your natural delivery sound ten times better than when you first started training .
5 He was speaking very much more quietly than when he first came in and occasionally looked reproachfully at the door as if the thing which had depressed him was just the other side of it .
6 ‘ He 's worked so hard at his game and he 's much more involved than when he first came over from France . ’
7 My main reservation about the book , which is more evident to me now than when it first appeared , is that Lodge has too direct and univocal an understanding of the elusive concept of ‘ literature ’ .
8 CD-ROM 's central role in multimedia is far more evident today than when it first emerged .
9 Cos when he first hit him he went had .
10 Cos when it first started I used to check in the Sunday paper every day but er I du n no it 's a waste of time .
11 Jane said that last week , cos I thought it was a disco , cos when it first described it me , it was real crap , and there was this colour guy and his friend , and all they wanted to play was black , they looked like they got no bones when they were dancing .
12 Because when they first saw us we was eve everything from the the D H S , to the police , to the probation office .
13 Because when she first had it , she loved it .
14 Because when I first got my glasses they all went ‘ Ha , ha , four eyes ’ for about a week or so , and then they all shut up because they forgot about it . ’
15 I think it 's really really well written and and I 'm very happy about it because I 've got it out of my system because when I first started that that was my aim .
16 You look at the skill you did n't know you had , put a label on it and think : ‘ Yes I do do that ’ , whereas when you first walk in you think you 've done nothing for the last 18 years .
17 Yes , I 've always , I 've always understood , understood more recently the reason why that there would always seemed to be enough prisoners , when we know there really must be enough prisoners throughout the world is that the betting procedure and they 're making quite sure they 're the right people takes time and money and effort , erm , that 's part and also there are some areas of the world now , where , where there are n't as many prisoners as there were , there are very few , there are very few prisoners of conscience in Latin America because they do n't put them in prison they just get rid of them , they just disappear and there are practically , practically none from Latin America countries , cos of these , these disappearances rather than being put in prison , erm , but it 's a sort of combination of reasons I think but er quite a long time now , ten , fifteen years I think groups have only had one prisoner , whereas when I first joined and Ann 's there , we had three did n't we at one time ?
18 ‘ My husband moans that I 'm not as slim as when we first met ’
19 Some of them were quite elementary as when we first poked our nose out of Spithead one day and our first roll tore the fridge from its fastenings .
20 After a decade in office Mrs Thatcher was still an exception to this trend and was as popular as when she first became Prime Minister .
21 Washed in shadow he looked as mysterious as when she first met him .
22 Beveridge 's four social evils of Want , Disease , Squalor and Ignorance must remain as much the primary targets of any party of the left today as when he first wrote about them half a century ago .
23 This brief in our series on the modern classics of economics looks at a paper that is still as controversial as when it first appeared — and suddenly much more relevant to the debate on economic policy .
24 I am bothered that it will never be as underground as when it first started . ’
25 Especially if it 's if as when it first turns on or if the f the fan heater is not blowing very much .
26 All a dream and the glass was as smooth and blank as when I first installed it .
27 Knowing that the carp will not have as much energy as when I first hooked it , I pile on the pressure in no uncertain terms , and the fish swings round and immediately makes for the same lily bed it took refuge in previously .
28 When I think of love or beauty or gardens , the images that moved me in my everyday life appear again and I feel the same sensations as when I first found them .
29 I told him he was lucky to be where he was when it happened , as when I first fainted it was in the middle of Watford High Street !
30 Yet when I step off the bus at the Coronet cinema I get the same lurch as when I first left home .
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