Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cases of wounding by pistol shots occasionally came before the courts and in at least one instance a child was killed , although apparently by accident , which nevertheless brought great notoriety to the so-called ‘ Clerkenwell Pistol Gang ’ .
2 Edwin Montagu by contrast , although indisputably by birth a member of la grande juiverie , was by inclination almost a professional non-Jew .
3 Grain went from Rumania to Danzig by sea , all the way round Europe , and still cost 30 per cent less than overland by rail .
4 The donkeys have now gone of course , but you can still get to Malvern by train , and through the tunnel right under the hills , although not by steam train .
5 When the time comes , it can recoup any water loss and rehydrate very rapidly , although not by drinking .
6 De Gaulle 's suspicion of political parties was explicitly anti-parliamentarian : ‘ it is from the head of state , placed above parties and elected more widely than just by Parliament that executive power must proceed ’ .
7 I was less moved than ever by M. Chaillot 's little lecture on his responsi-bilities to the public purse .
8 The original plan to make the skirt section conical was a victim of this thinking , although totally by accident rather than design …
9 The neighbourhood ( for which physical limits may be assigned ) acted as a base for a group but , often , these groups could be more accurately defined by housing and class interests than purely by locality .
10 Arguably the most popular of all these foreign performers was found by Branson himself , albeit quite by chance .
11 Although almost by chance , the Vietnam war had claimed another Head of State ( its first victim being Ngo Dinh Diem ) .
12 He had the look of an old man waiting outside the doctor 's office in a paupers ' hospital ; sent for , rather than there by choice ; content to wait ; apathetic as to what the doctor would tell him , because good news no longer existed and bad news was no longer bad , but merely an essential ingredient of his condition .
13 Although a picture of NCC confusion emerged from this study it still held out the hope , if only by implication , that more rigorous thinking would achieve better results .
14 Set against these deficiencies is the fact that psychiatry — if only by dint of the accumulated experience that comes from having to observe the more unusual among us — has developed a ‘ language of symptoms ’ that can prove useful in throwing the features of that deviance into high relief .
15 Second , and more specifically , it was ‘ daily journalism that counted politically , if only by dint of its opportunity for reiteration ’ .
16 Among these , the Sadducees and the Pharisees are familiar , if only by name , to Christian tradition .
17 But , if only by default , through simply reading the text in terms of the text and not bringing outside considerations to bear , she , as does Barth , shores up its authority .
18 It has been claimed that the confused clutter of furnishings and knick-knacks commonly associated with the Victorians became fashionable only after the 1870s ; but that impression , if only by contrast with the Regency , is certainly made upon novelists at an earlier date .
19 The reasonableness of this is manifest when viewed in the light of the fact that a great many of the most important human decisions do , after all , ultimately have to rely on mathematics for their resolution , if only by virtue of the principle of the majority vote being allowed to prevail in , for example , political matters .
20 But a short experience of married life showed that she and Joyce were temperamentally unsuited to one another , if only by virtue of his moods and outbursts of temper .
21 In 50 years time , will Miller 's Crossing , say , look like a film of the Thirties or ( if only by virtue of its licence in matters of sex and violence ) like a film of the Nineties ?
22 The pursuer 's claim will undoubtedly be increasing in value , if only by virtue of inflation and interest , while the defenders argue amongst themselves .
23 Of the six GCC members , Oman was the most directly involved , if only by virtue of geography .
24 The Latinos were used to flying their drug cargoes and knew that there was always the risk of someone , if only by accident , being on or near the airstrip .
25 Are you acquainted if only by repute with a Mr Landor who is a poet ?
26 Lucy had made it clear , if only by silence , that talk of love panicked her .
27 It was good to feel I belonged somewhere — if only by adoption .
28 Massalia was certainly helped in its trade by the other Greek colonies along the coasts of France and Spain , which , if not by origin , at least in fact were its own subsidiaries : Nicaea , Antipolis , Rhode , Emporiae , Mainace , etc .
29 If you 've been to any of the major house parties , you 'd know them by sight , if not by name .
30 Those of the maritime region remain moist for a longer season , and usually remain protected by ice or snow , if not by water , throughout winter .
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