Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Where which probably the parents when I was doing midwifery would have said the same thing but there was nothing they could do about it .
2 Where they then a group of people who , to whom the burden of being on p p per picket falling more and more ?
3 So it , this has some things in the picture gain importance , although I still the black and white ones .
4 Although himself not a sportsman he was an enthusiastic supporter of sporting activities by deaf people and had been involved as an administrator in all prewar Deaf International Games .
5 All calls/actions are logged though — so its not a sort of free-for-all .
6 Although they usually no more than reflect back ideas which are already common currency , they get immediate attention because they are delivered by royalty .
7 De Gaulle , essentially a man of the radio age , and Mitterrand , who prefers the pen to the mike , ’ determined more than anyone else the relationship between the state and television .
8 Er what the gov the British government would like to see is a resolution of these matters er our precise position er and attitude and er erm the assistance we can give in reaching conclusions is much more a matter er for ministers of the foreign office rather than myself so the honourable gentleman er invites me to tread in areas that do n't belong to me and do not actually belong to these orders that are before us , no they 're not , they 're not really relevant to whether we approve or not the orders that are before us , er I 'll give way in a moment but the honourable gentleman er for I believe wanted to intervene .
9 Their relatively smaller personal estates reflect perhaps more than anything else a generally modest standard of living in the shires , for while the greater apparent wealth of some yeomen consisted mainly of farming stock , a big landowner , burdened with a large family and heavily encumbered estates , might find himself compelled to endure a spartan existence ; unlike a yeomen , moreover , he might have to support a train of unproductive servants .
10 The latter was more than anything else a showcase for younger expressionist poets like Georg Heym .
11 In short , the intelligence of insects , like that of our species , seems to be more than anything else the intelligence of evolutionary necessity .
12 The century 's economic expansion reflected perhaps more than anything else the rapid growth and partial diffusion of wealth through the upper reaches of the Tudor and Stuart social pyramid .
13 The Rover 600 is the latest , newest model to come out od Cowley and it represents more than anything else the regeneration of the works .
14 However , during the early phase of the crisis the Israeli public feared more than anything else an Iraqi chemical attack on Israel , as threatened by Saddam in April [ see p. 37390 ] .
15 The case in fact that was put forward by the North Yorkshire County Council Highways and Traffic committee was in fact that the need as so clearly expressed by Mr is that it is the A fifty nine that needs the relief more than anything else an therefore the proposal is that the northern relief road be it an inner or an outer , be built first .
16 It was true if you had an American boyfriend you stood to gain quite a bit in material goods , as their PX always seemed to be well stocked with food and silk stockings , cigarettes and make-up — all things in short supply in England — and for this reason if nothing else the Yanks were never short of female company .
17 No no cos if nothing else the goats will
18 yeah , cos its not a union that
19 He says if its just a simple fracture he could be playing cricket again in just three months .
20 But if you up the financial incentive to achieve , then that too might change ’ .
21 PPS If you already a member of The Ramblers ' Association , please forgive us , but because we want to preserve the confidentiality of each other 's membership lists , some element of duplication is inevitable .
22 Although we might be prepared outside our normal scheme to fund the current year 's training for such people on the understanding that future funding will not be available , so in other words if somebody comes along to you and says , I 'd like to do an M B A , beginning this year , now normally we we would say , yes , we will contribute our half to that cost , er and that would then be a high priority on our budget to provide continued support for the rest of that M B A course , we 're now saying that that the answer is actually no , because we can not provide support next year , we do n't think , er but if you never the less want to go ahead this year and then fund it yourself from then on , then we we have actually got money available which we can use this year .
23 Right , so if we just the origin of the particular point on that curve the slope of that the origin to denote the average product of labour .
24 cos there still an
25 Well we 'll see if there , if there well the jury can have a look at them if they want , certainly if er if neither side think they 're going to be of any assistance then there 's not much point in producing them .
26 • Decide on the space that is wholly yours , even if it only a table somewhere .
27 I mean you 'd be the only one in , or if your not the only one , you would n't have to wait long .
28 With the best will in the world , and the best board in the world , and the best strategic direction in the world , nothing will happen unless everyone down the line understands what they are trying to achieve and gives of their best to achieve it .
29 Ive come to learn there little/no point hoping to get a report of the match when a side wins 3 or 4 nil , because its immediately a one sided contest and all you hear is a one sided report .
30 He was in tears because he though the band was splitting up .
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