Example sentences of "[subord] [art] small [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They stand outside the shop studying the stills from the security video where the small boy can be seen walking with two other young boys .
2 " Ah , excuse me , They both turned to look at the winding-stair door , where the small attendant was peeking round the side , most of its body hidden in the twisted darkness beyond .
3 He waved inconsequentially towards the outdoor light , where the small rain was falling .
4 Before dawn , I was in the sleeping-bag , propping myself up on an elbow , Bible in one hand , torch in the other , flicking the beam periodically to the right of my legs , where the small aluminium pan and stove were struggling to boil water for tea .
5 One would like very often to have more erm people involved in decision making , but they simply do n't have the time to inform themselves and one or two experiments in the kind of democracy you might Brian might have had in mind , came to horrible grief where decisions were taken simply uninformed and where the small number of people present who were informed were n't able to persuade the majority and the history of education is littered with them most unfortunate examples of this .
6 He was not looking at me any more , but was staring out to sea where a small tanker , her navigation lights glowing bright in the falling darkness , nudged gingerly towards the bunkering buoys .
7 Karen looked sullenly down at the crazy paving , where a small ant was wending its way homeward with part of a dead butterfly on its back .
8 There is in any case , it is argued , less incentive for efficient production in a bureau than in a firm operating on a small profit margin where a small reduction in costs means a large increase in profits .
9 Closing the book , I went back to my cartooning stool , where a small circle of children awaited me .
10 Continue until just after it starts to take up the steep fellside again , where a small path branches off left .
11 The need for more space lead to the move to the present offices at Grosvenor Gardens House , where a small secretariat serves to administer the affairs of the Society .
12 In the case of a large community this may be less significant , but where a small community is described there can be no anonymity for anyone .
13 This does not , however , mean that high quality results can be achieved only by such methods : where a small volume of sections is involved , many of the techniques described in this chapter can easily be adapted for manual preparation of thin sections .
14 At the roadside on top of this col there is a boundary stone , the original Pierre-Saint-Martin itself , where a small ceremony takes place every 13 July .
15 She slipped her arm through her sister 's , and they went into the dining-room , where a small fire was burning .
16 After the struggles had continued for some minutes it became clear to his ambushers that Putt was not about to die and they dragged him away through the trees to a spot out of sight of the track , where a small fire was burning low .
17 The tourist will rent a small receiver for around £2 and press a button as he approaches any of the major buildings and monuments , where a small transmitter will then spout cultural , historical , artistic and commercial information at him in a choice of Italian , German , English or Spanish , at any hour of the day or night .
18 I found a niche where a small landslide had left a level lawn with a backing of turf ; and where the breeze still moved enough to allay the midges , and sat down to my picnic .
19 Athelstan stared across at the bed post where a small block of wood on which the carving had rested had no v opened outwards like a door .
20 But Richard brought up siege machines and began to bombard the walls , concentrating on the fourth side where a small town nestled at the foot of the citadel .
21 Nominal roll-calls may be useful where a small number of staff , say 25 , are involved .
22 Chef Robert Kranenborg has a Chef 's Table in the kitchen , where a small number of guests are invited to dine on special occasions to watch the brigade at work .
23 Its past is most apparent in the bar and hall , which have vaulted ceilings and antique-style furniture , and in the restaurant , where a small well is a delightful reminder of days gone by .
24 Where a small hill or depression had to be crossed in the course of building a canal , a cutting or an embankment was often the engineering solution .
25 Many of the share purchasers now were large institutional buyers rather than the small saver or investor , the ‘ little man ’ or aged widow beloved of government propaganda .
26 One was a small café that sold pizza and chips for less than the small fortune we expected , and served by a girl friendlier than we could have hoped for .
27 Perhaps an even greater shock for us than the small population , tiny towns and scattered rural communities is the shape of the countryside ; the physical geography seems to be different .
28 Instead one has delicatessens which are more brightly lit and infinitely more hygienic than the small corner shops I have known , but with their fridges and freezers and extraction fans they have tamed their wares and robbed them of their pungency .
29 This party was a much bigger affair than the small gathering back in August , and Belinda had been swept along on a tide of food and drink and conversation .
30 Vertical markets comprise professional accounting — although the small accountancy practices to which the group sells have been hard-hit by recession , it has managed to maintain stable revenues by selling upgrades of existing accountancy software ranges ; retail — while Radius started selling to this sector only about two years ago , it ‘ performed above expectations ’ , having won a new £500,000 contract from Dixons Group Plc , a £400,000 contract from Southern Electric Plc and a £25,000 contract from Ing C Olivetti SpA ; the public sector — the company has built on its traditional strength in local government to move into health and central government ; fuel distribution — another new area of activity which Bland said is ‘ growing ’ , although he could provide no figures ; and finally , the printing industry — while Radius has in the past concentrated on big customers such as Bowater and Smurfitt , it has now released a ‘ stripped-down ’ version of its management software to attract smaller users .
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