Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Although not exactly a religious person , she was pained to think that a senior member of the Church of England should get ( albeit by moonlight ) a good glimpse of her sexual organs in their present somewhat engorged state .
2 Although not strictly a relaxation therapy , toning tables offer the benefits of exercise without a great deal of effort , and without the aches and pains of overstretched muscles .
3 Although not formally a member Gore had a profound influence on Leese .
4 Although not formally a peace treaty , the treaty was nevertheless described by Eduard Shevardnadze , the Soviet Foreign Minister , as drawing " the final line under the Second World War " .
5 At the meeting which adopted the constitution , Ken Banks of AUEW TASS was added to the executive committee ; he was close to the CPNI , although not actually a member .
6 The Reporter , although not necessarily a lawyer , must ensure that the Hearings stay within the legal framework .
7 Rather quaintly , the Governor observed that it was ‘ strange ’ for a Buddhist , ‘ although not perhaps a practising one ’ , to invoke the name of God ; he concluded that Aung San 's wife , Khin Kyi , with her Christian upbringing inspired this : Rance went to their house at nightfall under conditions of secrecy .
8 At the beginning of 1934 be attempted to gain more influential and financial support from establishment and entrepreneurial sources ; hence the formation of the January Club , a dining group which although not specifically a front organization , nevertheless was designed to influence politicians , businessmen and members of the armed services towards the fascist case .
9 Although not technically a fountain , it utilizes the same components as the conventional fountain .
10 The individual blooms can be single , semi-double , or fully double like the typical H.T. — although normally just a little smaller — and the clusters succeed each other almost continuously , or at least are recurrent , from early summer to November .
11 Although technically not a baron , for he held little directly from the king , Peter was a substantial magnate .
12 Neither of these innovations had much success ; but they showed more clearly than ever how a changed international situation was now being reflected in institutional change .
13 The fact that Margaret had been illegitimate , a war baby conceived between an Italian prisoner of war and an English landgirl , had no bearing on her name , although probably quite a lot to do with Margaret 's lack of maternalism , since she 'd been reared in a children 's home .
14 Rape tends to be presented as a crime of violence with sexual overtones rather than as simply a sexual offence .
15 But stolid stonewalling makes for poor copy and dull viewing , and eventually they let him go , although even then a few of the younger and hungrier among them followed him down the wide staircase and out into Piazza Matteotti , hoping for a belated indiscretion .
16 The company rapidly becomes divided into two companies , one of which comprises the hewers of wood and carriers of water who are toiling away and actually achieving the relatively little that the company can achieve ; while the others , a separate band , although quite possibly a band of high potential in actual business terms , are playing the game of political musical chairs .
17 Although unquestionably still a successful band , it could be argued that Kiss 's heyday was some time ago .
18 I had read enough to know that the way the Bristol Cancer Help Centre promulgated was a considerable challenge , although how hard a challenge I was only to appreciate later .
19 Enoch Powell , who although no longer a Tory MP was closely listened to on the Conservative side , recalled that Margaret Thatcher had been called the ‘ Iron Lady ’ and rather liked the description .
20 Although no longer a barren exchange , they do not represent outline agreements to be followed at the national level .
21 Blyth was historically a separate place from Tyneside , although very much a part of the North East Coast .
22 Although very much a townsman , Eliot was , like G. K. Chesterton , a great advocate of country life , and he shared the attitude of many townsmen that most other people ought to live in the country .
23 She felt as if he was closing a door behind them and right at this moment she would have liked to keep it open , if only just a crack , because Felipe de Santis walked round the plane and stood watching them as they came towards him .
24 To approach them tell them how they feel about things rather than having to ring you up and make an appointment if only once a year or once every six months use a group .
25 So the notion that venture capitalists are prone to interfering in the businesses in which they invest is not , strictly speaking , a valid one , or if so not a criticism about which MBO managers would fret too much .
26 Commercial agreements sometimes say that the opinion of a Queen 's Counsel will determine whether and if so how a claim should proceed .
27 It seems there is an impression that the Co-op is , if not exactly a charity , is certainly some kind of philanthropic organization , so it must follow that their funerals are cheaper .
28 There is , of course , nothing novel in the idea that commercial and political power go hand in hand , but the sheer volume and importance of fur as the preponderating commodity on the mediaeval international market suggests that a monopoly in its procurement , sale and supply was , if not exactly a sine qua non , then at the least a decisive factor in the political hegemony of Muscovy .
29 Dr Hardiman of Stirling points out that the Veterinary Record 's formula for estimating the weight is , if not necessarily a bummer , slightly flawed .
30 As he is also chairman of the 100 Group of finance directors and regularly speaks at conferences and meetings , his timetable requires the skills of a juggler if not actually a magician !
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