Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 My standard of tennis is at that level where merely returning a serve constitutes a match highlight .
2 Can you tell me how much I should put aside for the church 's legal fees and , out of interest , where exactly does the money go ?
3 ‘ It is great to be involved with them because they are sane , normal human beings in the world of rock 'n' roll , where just finding a sane and normal human being is very hard .
4 Agreement is sought and where not reached a fair statement of disagreement is provided .
5 Apart from spending a lot of money on the church , they built this house , where once stood a meagre rectory , and called it ‘ Sutton on the Hill Hall ’ .
6 Easily Accessible : Mere is an attractive town dating back to Saxon times with pretty stone cottages and fine views of Blackmore Vale from Castle Hill , where once stood a medieval fortification .
7 Where once stood the two-storey Eagle Warehouse of 1854 there is now a 12-storey tower with an entrance foyer of sufficient height to engulf the surviving bays of the original building .
8 He led the way to the outer office , which had been empty when Shelley arrived , but where now sat a sylph-like creature with a cloud of dark brown curls , and very heavily made-up eyes .
9 Although rarely hitting the headlines , the Council continued to work to achieve integration in restricted and less controversial fields .
10 Rose Hilaire had sat stiffly upright , feet together , hands in her lap , refusing a cigarette — ‘ I do n't smoke — ’ although eventually accepting a cup of tea , during the drinking of which her hand was observed to shake .
11 In practice this appeared to mean a break with the French and , like many Americans engaged in day-to-day dealings in Vietnam , Blum 's frustration had reached the point where he would recommend withdrawing US assistance altogether rather than endlessly humouring the French .
12 The fact that parts of Poland were virtually indistinguishable from parts of Germany in terms of social complexity , levels of absolute poverty and economic success , that the Polish szlachta and the German Junker had more in common with each other than they did with either Berliners or Warsawians , that the average Polish and German smallholders and peasants had more in common with each other than they did with their social betters and political masters — all this meant nothing , except perhaps to make the Germans more convinced that the Poles would eventually drag them down to the Polish level of degradation .
13 The acquisition of a stereotype by a subgroup of the population usually works to its detriment , and although perhaps preserving a grain of truth in relation to the subgroup 's activities , it is also misleading for members of the whole population who use the stereotype .
14 She had not the least idea of what she should do next , other than perhaps to fasten the strange garment about her waist .
15 So far AMP executives are not sure where the Pearl is going wrong nor what they would do about it , other than perhaps improve the British group 's technology and have more centralisation of the selling operations .
16 The case was seen as a major defeat for the DEA particularly as , by acquitting the defendant rather than merely dismissing the charges , Rafeedie ensured that Alvarez could never again be tried by a US court for Camarena 's death .
17 Oblige , like force , evokes more than merely producing an effect and it too is followed by the to infinitive : ( 164 ) … servants , whom he had obliged to accompany him .
18 However , if artistic representations of my experience are to do more than merely reflect a personal trauma , it is imperative that the work connect with the common experiences of other women in the same or similar situations .
19 ( This is obviously a better way of measuring recall than merely counting the number of words remembered , although it does have the disadvantage of being a less objective method since the actual wording used by a subject may be very different from that used in the passage . )
20 They differ fundamentally from traditional qualifications , because they give recognition for what people actually achieve at work , rather than merely testing the ability to learn .
21 They recognise what people actually achieve at work , rather than merely testing an ability to learn , which is the primary feature of a written or oral examination .
22 Given the extreme paucity of provision in the past , to close rather than merely narrow the gap between white education provision and that of other racially defined groups would require an investment well beyond anything that was envisaged before the 1990s .
23 But if MAFF 's original assessment for the UK 's LFA had been based on an objective survey rather than merely regurgitating the ‘ hill line ’ drawn up under the 1946 Hill Farming Act , it would have had a more reliable basis to which the results of its Hills and Uplands land classification could have been added to determine some meaningful handicap zones .
24 Similarly , he argued , Britain should seek to create a Social Charter of its own liking , rather than merely oppose the adoption of any social charter at all .
25 This seems particularly objectionable when pleasures and pains prevented come into account , for one may well think it worse in an action to produce pain than merely to hinder a corresponding amount of pleasure occurring .
26 Once more , you want to aim with your research not just to acquire enough facts spread over your pages to give a feeling of the times , but to acquire so many that you have enough and to spare and can choose among your store for the one that does more than merely give a notion of the time you are writing about .
27 This both attenuates the force of the current occupationalist attack upon the liberal education tradition and suggests that occupationalist objectives will do little more than merely dilute the quality of the education which pupils might otherwise have received .
28 Clearly , memory for a Christian is far more profound than merely having a mental skill or a better-than-average ability to recall .
29 Although much remained the same as before — the new electorate constituted but one-thirtieth of the population , 31 boroughs still had fewer than 300 electors in each , voting remained by open ballot ( secret ballots were considered rather un-English ) , and the aristocracy still held great sway politically — the act precipitated important changes both within and outside the House of Commons .
30 This is carried out in relatively modern mercury and diaphragm electrochemical cells and consumes huge amounts of electricity — more than enough to power the city of Liverpool .
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