Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] is think " in BNC.

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1 The proposal for monitoring by silent , closed-circuit television cameras , he said , would be implemented as recommended , but the one to allow a prisoner the right to consult a solicitor every forty-eight hours would be curtailed to the extent that ‘ where it is thought necessary ’ a senior police officer would be present .
2 They are , of course , incapable of deliberate volition and move more or less at random ( although there is thought to be some evidence of a directional trend ) .
3 Cheshire is the oldest of all the English cheeses and is referred to in the Domesday Book , although it is thought to date back to pre-Roman times .
4 Although it is thought that translation of a polymer chain proceeds by means of a series of segmental jumps involving short kinetic units , which may each consist of between 15 and 30 chain atoms , the complete movement of a chain can not remain unaffected by the surrounding chains .
5 Although it is thought it contained only a small amount of money , there is concern about confidential documents which also went missing .
6 So it is thought , Sei-sen .
7 If someone is thinking about going back into education , I 'd say : ‘ Go for it . ’
8 If anybody is thinking about going and wants a lift our route will probably be a1/m62/m1 ( posssibly via Leeds )
9 If it is thought that there are some similarities between country A and country B in the market for microcomputers or car telephones or videocameras etc , a multinational company can analyse its market expenditures within both countries , comparing the effectiveness of these expenditures in each country .
10 If it is thought that this is one of the pleasanter , more protective aspects of male chauvinism , this is mistaken .
11 If it is thought to be preferable , this is for reasons having nothing to do with neutrality , such as a desire to bring the war to a speedy end or not to allow people to profit from wars .
12 If it is thought that there may be infection in the bladder ( cystitis ) or kidneys , a special sample needs to be taken for laboratory analysis .
13 And , if it is thought that such a state of affairs is , for whatever reason , undesirable , then it behoves those who argue for another approach to learn the lesson of political realities .
14 The proposed amendment to the Articles of Association contained in Resolution 10 will enable the Company to introduce summary financial statements in 1991 or subsequently , if it is thought desirable to do so .
15 If you have already made an application to the tribunal , perhaps to obviate the risk of missing a crucial time limit should negotiations collapse , the detailed terms might , if it is thought appropriate , be set out in a separate document while you withdraw your claim on form COT 4 .
16 Photographic and/or medical evidence could be considered if it is thought that the injuries would be difficult to prove .
17 For example , if it is thought that an error of law or fact or a breach of natural justice should justify quashing only if it can be said that but for the error or breach the decision would have been different , this should be built into the definition of the relevant ground of review and not dealt with as a matter of remedial discretion .
18 But in addition there is an immediate opportunity for the authorities concerned to reformulate , in collaboration with the Law Commission , the appropriate limits to recovery , on a coherent system of principles suitable for modern society , in terms which can ( if it is thought right to do so ) embrace the unusual circumstances of the present case .
19 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
20 If it is thought that the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor has outlived its usefulness , which I beg to doubt , then I think that it should be swept away by Parliament and not undermined by judicial review .
21 if it is thought desirable that debentures in their popular meaning may be made irredeemable , it would seem to be both absurd and inconsistent to forbid a company to make its ordinary mortgages of land also irredeemable . ’
22 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
23 If it is thought that the growers of any kind of grain in any part of the world have been losing money , and are likely to sow a smaller area for a future harvest ; it is argued that prices are likely to rise as soon as that harvest comes into sight , and its shortness is manifest to all .
24 If it is thought that the politicians have dithered in any way , we shall be slaughtered on the anvil of public opinion and informed opinion in the oil industry .
25 A investment overview may be enclosed if it is thought appropriate .
26 If it is thought likely that an approach will be made from radio or TV , organise factual material and brief the Director/Chairman .
27 However , if it is thought that the joint tenancy might be severed ( and there might be good matrimonial or tax planning reasons for this ) it is preferable to include the enlargement of powers as in Precedent 34 for otherwise the trustees of the conveyance may not have power to mortgage or charge the property ( see Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 , s8 ) .
28 If anyone is thinking of booking a place on one of these tours they would be strongly advised to study the list of studios beforehand and to ensure there is at least one artist they know of that is of interest .
29 Howard Baker ( that is his name ) is sitting in front of a green light waiting for a green light because he is thinking .
30 It is precisely because it is thought to be binding that it can serve as an expression of identification .
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