Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb past] down " in BNC.

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1 I began to tremble violently and would have fainted , had he not grabbed me by the elbow and guided me to a low wall , where I slumped down .
2 Another pull for ten minutes or so brought me up on to the summit , where I sat down to have my lunch .
3 She went into the living room where she settled down at the dining table to mark compositions .
4 She started in the bathroom , where she washed down years of dust from walls and ceiling , scoured the toilet so that it sparkled , and dug out the thick dusty webs behind the pipes and wash-basin , disturbing a colony of frantic spiders .
5 She slammed the boot down , with a cry of ‘ God Almighty ! ’ and ran indoors , where she sat down at the kitchen table and beat her fists against the wood , with anger , with frustration , with a sudden , desperate concern for Nick .
6 Here she went to the dressing table where she sat down and regarded herself in the mirror .
7 Fabia reached Ven 's suite and let herself in , walked across the sitting-room and into her bedroom where she sat down on the edge of the bed , and felt , for the moment , defeated .
8 where we sat down at table
9 But where they fell down , they should have told you that was what would happen
10 This circularity is apparent in the seminal article written by Goody and Watt where they lay down the reasons why they attribute such importance to literacy .
11 She was weeping now and he guided her to a low wall in a secluded corner where they sat down .
12 It was never entirely clear where he bedded down at night after he lurched from the pub with various caddying cronies of a like mind .
13 Where he fell down was in failing to deliver on late payment of debt , which cost businesses dear .
14 The four priestesses led the man over to a freshly dug grave , where he lay down as the goat-faced figure produced a black cockerel .
15 Wexford pushed aside the willows that hung like a pelmet and came to the rubbish pocket , where he knelt down .
16 He strolled along by the front of the house until he reached the north wing , where he turned down the grassy slope towards the trees .
17 He curses them , as young men do — but not young ladies — he pulls out the arrow roughly , then leaves the creature there where it lay down and died .
18 There was no roof and the rain that had fallen in the night left dark stripes where it trickled down the greasy surface of the cows ' rumps .
19 Nor were we provided with lunch , so I walked down into Walham Green , past pleasant little gardens full of the colour of autumn .
20 I 'd phoned my father in the evening , and he did n't sound too well , so I drove down to see how he was . ’
21 But it made sense at least to stretch my cramped legs , so I strolled down to the edge of the lake and lit a cigarette .
22 So I went down to the canal .
23 It seemed as good a time as any to go , so I went down to the squat in the King 's Road where I was living and picked up my passport .
24 Darren , 21 , said : ‘ The smoke was very dense , so I got down low on the floor and pushed the kitchen door open .
25 There did n't seem to be anything interesting there , but I remembered the lesson of the day before , when I had stopped to sniff the air and everything had seemed fine , then ten minutes later I was wrestling with a kamikaze rabbit , so I trotted down off the side of the dune and down to the line of debris thrown up by the sea .
26 I assumed the Maggot was delivering or picking up a customer , but it was none of my business , so I stripped down to my shorts and began work as Thessy , his brother Philemon and their father took a battered wooden skiff across the lagoon .
27 There was no butter around so I jumped down and went to the living room .
28 They all seemed to be down the after ballast compartment so I called down something like , " Come on lads , " I 've got my seizure , what about yours ? "
29 Once I went down with Jane to the village pub and we sat in the front parlour on our own , listening to what seemed to be a male voice choir performing in the next room , accompanied by mysterious foot shufflings and stampings .
30 Once I settled down , I got a lot more confident .
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