Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] course [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As he read the evidence on primitive societies , where of course there was far less economic specialization , social cohesion was of a very rudimentary kind .
2 But each area is subdivided into concentric circles ( except of course they 're not circular ! ) .
3 Now do n't you worry about that young woman that 's upstairs , Sergeant Joe , except of course I would n't want no talk goin' on . ’
4 In that sense women have a greater range of strategies for maximizing support at their disposal , although of course their capacity as wage earners in the formal economy has usually been far more limited than men 's .
5 Although of course we 'll continue with training everyone who 's likely to do it .
6 In his skeleton argument , although of course we did not hear it developed , the Attorney-General contended that it is a mixed question of law and fact .
7 Erm simply to remind you of the position of of Selby District in in that our interest in a new settlement emerged out of concern for the quality of life in existing villages in in Selby district , and concerns for the impact of future peripheral development in those villages , and not just peripheral development on the edge of York , although of course we acknowledge that as an important consideration and it is for that reason that we fully supported the County Council 's proposals in relation to greenbelt , erm you asked the question earlier in relation to the P P G advice and and the six criteria , erm in fact I 've already rehearsed that argument in my submission so I wo n't repeat it now , erm the fact that you chose to phrase the question that way I 'll take as a good omen as to the way I presented my submission , but it it it 's there for you to read again , the the the main point that I want to address is something that was raised by Mr Wincup yesterday , and that was the difference or not as between Selby district and Hambledon district , er M Mr Jewitt 's made reference earlier to his opposition to the new settlement , and in doing so he he he mentioned the settlement pattern in Hambledon district , he 'll correct me if I 'm wrong , but one of small dispersed villages , well in Selby district we do have villages of that nature , but the Northern part of of Selby district is significantly deferent to Hambledon , it 's characterized by much larger villages , and in fact the establishment of a new settlement would n't conflict with with the settlement pattern at all .
8 It 's almost a symbiotic relationship , although of course they 're not familiar with the term . ’
9 The term ‘ pillar ’ indicates the purpose for which they are well suited — tying and training to a pillar , pole , tree stump or whatever — although of course they will also do quite well on a fence or wall .
10 Nearby branches of Books Etc were untouched — although of course they could not avoid being affected by the disruption that was caused by the bomb to trading in the area .
11 [ The grandmaster issued strict instructions not to leave any traces of habitation on the deserted island , although of course they could be there for sometime ] .
12 Although of course they were Blue/White and Yellow/Green .
13 Although of course they still cause considerable pain to any animal caught in them wild or domestic .
14 Take the numbers from one to ten ( although of course you can continue as far as you like ) .
15 I can not think of any flower that does not press better for being taken apart , although of course you will have to spend time putting it back together again when you want to use it .
16 Younger neighbours may be glad to ‘ sit in ’ for one evening a week too , if you can give them some service in return , such as looking after their child for a morning while they go shopping , although of course there are people who will help with no expectation of reward , if you make your need known to them-perhaps more of them than you imagine .
17 Ah ha , no ; it was n't quite as simple as all that , do n't you know , although of course it was an incentive day , and the Irish loved incentives .
18 They scrambled , this time , as if secrecy did n't matter , although of course it did .
19 The first thing that George found was that the work of fracture of wood was quite exceptionally high , although of course it has nothing resembling a dislocation mechanism to help it .
20 Colours may be overlaid , one over another , to produce an effect that is not unlike watercolour to look at , although of course it is not watercolour ; it is an alcohol based ink which dries very quickly — almost instantaneously in fact — and encourages rapid expression .
21 Thinking is essentially an internal activity although of course it is stimulated and aided by interaction with the external world including other people .
22 The picture which emerges from this study is one where assistance between more distant kin is of relatively minor importance to the total picture ( although of course it may be very important in particular cases ) , and that whether it is likely to be significant is rather idiosyncratic and unpredictable .
23 Yes I think that over the course of our married life we had a number of moves for various reasons , generally to improve the accommodation , erm as standard of life increased so the desire to have a better house to live in or rather in those days a house was out of the question , we generally had rooms in a house , erm , they , the flat for instance that we were bombed out from was a basement flat , erm according to the estate agents it was a garden flat , erm and it meant that you had access to the front garden and the back garden , but as for being a garden flat it was below the level of the garden in the front and at the back it was on the level with the erm green grass at the back of the house , it was also along side of the trolley bus depot , so there it was considerably noisy , nevertheless it was a self contained flat , the first one we 'd had , no the second one we 'd had and we were perfectly happy there although of course it did have minor difficulties , the fact that you used the front door with people who had flats on the other remaining three floors , but nevertheless it did involve you in a certain amount of community living , you were aware of your neighbours , you had to be very conscious of them and they were very conscious of you .
24 If viewed in this light , the argument makes better sense , although of course it acquires an entirely new complexion .
25 ‘ Nothing unusual really , although of course it 's not usual to get yourself smashed up in a car accident in the first place .
26 It 's not it 's brother or sister , or their brother or sister , it is unique , and it 's pattern of development , although of course it will be broadly similar to other children , exactly like no other child , and in a sense I would feel that the parental job is to judge very carefully the needs and the developmental cycle of their own child , and then stimulate to the extent that that child needs .
27 It 's not it 's brother or sister , or their brother or sister , it is unique , and it 's pattern of development , although of course it will be broadly similar to other children , exactly like no other child , and in a sense I would feel that the parental job is to judge very carefully the needs and the developmental cycle of their own child , and then stimulate to the extent that that child needs .
28 Ezra would have liked to see more of Max Beerbohm , whom he at least partially admired for his wit , although of course he could not have tolerated his philosophy of life .
29 In doing so I am rather like the doctor by the patient 's bedside , who knows ; although of course he does not tell the patient — that the outcome of the disease will depend upon something in the constitution of that patient which he can not control nor further influence and which he can not even ascertain , except by the event .
30 In the light of later events , it is possible to doubt Scott 's altruism in taking the initiative in this case ; clearly after the change of government with Manners ' well-known enthusiasm for the Middle Ages , the chances were that a Gothic design would be acceptable , and Scott was the best placed of the Gothic competitors , although of course he was completely unaware of the ultimately crucial placings awarded to him by the assessors .
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