Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 … taking account of statutory provisions and also of national and collective agreements , except where these conflict with the powers allotted to the Governing Body under the Act .
2 I have been persuaded by the publishers to adopt the spellings on the latest maps of the Ordnance Survey and where these differ from those previously accepted have done so with reluctance , rebelling only in a few cases of change in long-familiar names .
3 In addition , dense infiltration of the lung by eosinophils occurs , and where these accumulate in the small bronchi in large numbers , they may be seen as greenish plugs at necropsy .
4 The strife of local societies should have no place in its councils where all meet upon common ground , with the common end of mutual betterment .
5 During the summer months hordes of visitors regularly congregate there to eat and drink at their leisure on the paved terrace between the mellow sandstone walls of the inn itself and the river 's edge , where many sit on the low stone parapet and look below them through the clear , greenish water at the mottled dark-brown and silvery backs of the carp that rise to the surface to snap up the crisps and the crusts thrown down to them .
6 Much of Sir Charles Irving 's personal vote came from these areas , where many know of his extraordinary personal kindness .
7 For example , musical and philosophical skill — as opposed to the external rewards of reaching the ‘ top ’ in a musical or academic career , a kind of achievement which , if given central importance in our lives , will yield no abiding satisfaction , beset as we will be by worry as to what others are or are not thinking of us — can only be developed by an individual in a propitious environment where many co-operate in working at them .
8 To participate and where necessary assist in the training activities of the Department .
9 The contents of Mr Maxwell Chelsea home are valued at £160,000 , although half belong to his wife Pandora , while the French furniture is valued at £10,000 .
10 Of the remaining 120 fabliaux recognized in the Nouveau Recueil Complet des Fabliaux , more than half exist in a single copy , and fewer than twenty of the more innocently titled fabliaux exist in four or more manuscript copies .
11 This fear does not arise from a view of themselves as unskilled in formal police requirements , for no policemen or women would express that they suspect this of themselves , although some admit to suspecting it of others .
12 In general , organisations ask for two quotes although some ask for three .
13 No one stands out , although some emerge from the group in brief solos to express their personal sense of loss .
14 No less than six survive in preservation .
15 Sixty years later Camberwell was a metropolitan borough whose population had multiplied more than six fold to 259,339 .
16 No fewer than six play in central European football with three coming from Austria Vienna — Robertas Fridrikas — a player who hits a free kick like Ronald Koeman — Valdas Ivanauskas and the skilful midfield playmaker Arminas Narbekovas , It was Narbekovas and Fridrikas who scored in Belfast while the strong runs of 6 foot 2 inch Ivanauskas caused the Irish defence many problems .
17 If the total is less than 16,000 save as one design .
18 So are the Sonatine , here more gentle than crystalline save in the swift finale , and the tenderly solemn Pavane pour une infante défunte .
19 Although these work on the same principles as the above they could prove an expensive luxury as well as causing more problems than they solve .
20 Some manufacturers use taffeta nylon , cotton , polycotton or viscose for the linings , although these add to the weight of the bag .
21 It was unfortunate for spectators that Chamden were unable to raise a full side but this should not detract from our victory , although all praise to the five Chamden lads for holding our rampant attack to a slender 2–1 .
22 Although many attribute to Lo Tak-shing possession of the most byzantine — and very possibly the cleverest -mind in Hong Kong politics , few claim to understand quite what he seems to be doing with it .
23 Of all the hundreds of trade pattern books issued by manufacturers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it appears that not more than ten survive in public collections , and only one pre-Victorian priced catalogue relating to coffins and lining materials .
24 The result was a vessel which was surprisingly fast and manoeuvrable for its size — few were more than twenty drem in length — but they were not designed for an extended sea journey , that was certain .
25 Although any draw against German opposition represents a big challenge , because I 've got the greatest respect and admiration for what they 've done at club and international level for over 20 years .
26 In retrospect , the ending at this point of the long preponderance of Western Europe ( that is to say , Italy , France , southern Germany , Belgium and Spain ) — a preponderance common to the pre-conciliar Church , the Council and even the pontificate of Paul VI — in the affairs of Catholicism and its replacement by a far wider range of geographical influences , may appear as far more significant than any shift from the mildly liberal to the neo-conservative .
27 Nevertheless , some important instruments of accountability to Parliament can be identified , although most apply to some quangos and not all .
28 Not all are fully multimedia , although most offer at least some of the main ingredients .
29 If Labour come to power we have been promised that access to the countryside for canoeists and ramblers will be reviewed at an early stage .
30 Mr Kinnock promised that if Labour come to power , all that will change .
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