Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Multiple regression analysis showed no increase in the correlation when the villous height/crypt depth ratio and intraepithelial lymphocyte count together where compared with the cellobiose/ mannitol % ( multiple r=0.50 ) .
2 Some take the profoundly defeatist view that the kicking and screaming which would accompany a successful revolt would do even more damage than sticking with the lady .
3 It is not to be doubted that there are still thousands of mainframe users that want nothing more than to continue with the kind of computing they have always known , using the environment with which they are familiar , and in which they have invested a large part of their lives .
4 Tangy and crisp with a fruity flavour we quite liked this one , although we were less than impressed with the look of the bottle .
5 ( c ) Position conflicts : the position you take in one piece of litigation may be at odds with the position you want to take in a subsequent action ( for example , in advancing the cause of a plaintiff you may adopt a position that puts you in difficulty with some defence clients who are less than impressed with the vigour with which you espouse the plaintiff 's cause ) .
6 MY party of visitors to the new Museum of Liverpool Life were less than impressed with the Brookside exhibit .
7 It is important to retain the full range of provisional classification of institutions and types of relations , as the means to specific analysis , rather than to work with the ( pre-sociological ) formulas of ‘ the artist ’ and ‘ his public ’ , or ‘ the cultural superstructure ’ and ‘ the economic base ’ .
8 It addresses both health and social services but is disappointing in treating both in traditionally separate fashion ( see Twigg 's section on mainstream services ) rather than grappling with the emerging picture of multi-disciplinary support teams and the strengths and dilemmas of interagency working .
9 At all times one is aware that the artist is also a composer — the conviction with which she untangles some of the more complicated , almost obscure pieces , has an unquestionable authority ( the enormous B flat minor Fugue from Book Two instantly comes to mind in this connection ) , whilst the famous pieces are often presented in a totally different manner — the A minor Prelude and Fugue ( Book One ) will surprise many as the Prelude is fearful and serious ( rather than light with the usual staccato touches ) , whilst the Fugue has clipped articulation at the end of each subject entry .
10 Reading around for background to Shakespeare is valuable , and you ca n't do better than begin with the Harley Granville Barker 's Prefaces to Shakespeare , which analyse the plays from both a scholarly and dramatic angle , without being ponderously academic .
11 Or , if they did , they knew better than to remonstrate with the grim-faced man behind her .
12 It accelerated more than anticipated with the result that the capsule landed in the Atlantic over a hundred miles away from the target area .
13 PROGRESS in setting up a new retreat centre in Falkland in Fife which was initiated by Church of Scotland deaconess Lynda Wright has been much swifter than anticipated with the result that it will welcome its first guests from the beginning of April .
14 It should examine the relationship between Eastern and Western Europe and issues of global importance in Europe — such as pollution — rather than pussyfooting with the Social Charter .
15 Note that the inflection occurring with the transposed lexical item has remained in its grammatically correct position , rather than moving with the base item to which it would normally have been attached .
16 As I have a real a real concern that as soon as that happens er , er the sch stuff is , is if often just dumped on the side of the road and I suspect that 's more to do with commercial operators than , than to do with the private householders and it and it and it and it , it , it 's it does seem er to me that er , er that , that issue needs er needs to be addressed as well .
17 Rather than contend with the pain of being left , he ensured that relationships broke down if they were in danger of becoming important to him .
18 The GOTO statement makes BBCBASIC(Z80) jump to a specified line number rather than continuing with the next statement in the program .
19 Where productivity is higher the carpet thickens and becomes peaty ; Allen and Heal ( 1970 ) reported moss peat up to 2 m thick , overlying rather than mixing with the mineral soil beneath .
20 A report of the Institutional Shareholders ' Committee in April 1992 noted that ‘ most companies do no more than comply with the very limited disclosure requirements of SSAP 13 and some do not even do that .
21 Many employers did little more than comply with the bare regulations .
22 Rather than starting with the current difficulties , it is often possible to begin with the history of the family , perhaps concentrating on more positive , happier times .
23 This is partly because as a harder metal it makes a more secure setting for valuable stones and partly that being a white metal it reflects rather than competes with the brilliance and lustre of diamonds .
24 A censure motion introduced on Oct. 26 by the conservative opposition parties to protest against an " unrealistic " budget obtained only 261 of the 286 parliamentary votes necessary to defeat the government ; the Communist party abstained , rather than voting with the right as it had done in an earlier censure motion , in June 1992 [ see pp. 38977-78 ] .
25 It is necessary first to consider an argument which has throughout been presented by the Attorney-General as decisive ; namely , that the answer to this question must inevitably be negative because the district judge had no power , or no power that he could properly exercise , to do anything other than proceed with the cases assigned to his court , without any regard at all to the pendency of the B.M.F.L. prosecution , destined for committal to the High Court .
26 This was very much more simple than dealing with the naval officer .
27 Teachers were always busy , and many schools put GIST on a rather lower priority than dealing with the impact of unemployment , school reorganization , discipline or curricular problems .
28 Interestingly , most people 's attitudes towards this appear quite accepting ; often , the anticipation of dying seems to be less traumatic than dealing with the problems associated with ageing itself .
29 Instead , they want to waste the next decade poring over the details of economic and monetary union rather than dealing with the real issues confronting Europe .
30 It has also concentrated on recording policy making rather than dealing with the voluminous series of ‘ particular instance papers ’ ( pension records , social benefit files , medical disability records , etc ) which form the basis of much quantitative social science research .
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