Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Programme variables where referred to at all are stated in gross terms .
2 The strict sabbatarianism enforced by the constables seems to have been more ignored than conformed with by the populace in general , particularly where ‘ immoderate drinking ’ was concerned .
3 The first point was conceded by Angela Rumbold ( 1989 ) when she emphasised that performance indicators must be interpreted in context rather than looked at in isolation .
4 But how many know ‘ the reason why ’ Bishop Jonathon Trelawney became a folk hero , although looked upon by many clerics as a worldly , indolent and drunken spendthrift ?
5 Intergraph Corp , Huntsville , Alabama warns that while it has not yet closed its books for the first quarter , preliminary estimates indicate that turnover will be lower than expected at between $280m and $285m , and that all geographic segments were below expectations for the quarter , and price reductions on older products combined with lower sales volume resulted in reduced gross margins ; the company expects a loss from operations excluding restructuring charges of $8m to $10m or $0.11 to $0.13 per share and restructuring charges and non-operating items during the quarter will increase the losses by an additional three cents a share .
6 Any disappointment he may feel over the delay has been more than compensated for by the news that tickets for this year 's event are already selling fast .
7 His absence was more than compensated for by her mother Vanne , whom she obviously adores .
8 While they might find ‘ delinquent ’ behaviour , in its many manifestations , irritating , as the role of juvenile labour in the production process was always either peripheral or auxiliary , the ‘ delinquency ’ was more than compensated for by the advantages of using young workers who were cheap , malleable , non-unionized , easy to recruit and just as easy to dismiss .
9 At such close quarters , mistakes would have been more than evident but to the merit of all those involved , these were at a minimum and more than compensated for by sheer enthusiasm .
10 Some tone did go , but this was more than compensated for by the Power Tool 's onboard EQ .
11 Fortunes have been mixed in Europe , with falling demand from the northern markets — particularly the UK and Germany — being more than compensated for by those of southern Europe .
12 The insects are only an annoyance on the rare days when there is n't a breeze blowing , and are more than compensated for by the wealth of bird life in the area And it is not only birds .
13 But the inward drift slows slightly as the extra dissipative losses are more than compensated for by the energy and angular momentum which the bar pumps in at this point — recall that the bar is here going around faster than the gas , so it has a tendency to spin the gas up as well as a tendency to cause it to radiate vigorously .
14 This is more of a glider trait and , while it takes a little getting used to , it is more than compensated for by the aircraft 's power-off glide abilities .
15 In more remote rural areas , such as northern England , parts of the Grampians , west Wales , and Northern Ireland , net migration loss was more than compensated for by high fertility ( type 4 ) .
16 For those on the margins or in casual labour the extra mouths to feed in infancy was more than compensated for by the potentially increased sources of income and domestic help in childhood and adolescence .
17 Whatever such a literature might lack in technical sophistication will , it is alleged , be more than compensated for by ideological exuberance .
18 Every Sunday morning when his wife woke him he soundly ( if silently ) cursed his adopted religion ; but the hell of getting up when all sensible creatures were lost in lovely sleep , was more than compensated for by the feeling of well-being after Mass , which made him beam and glow like an advertisement for salts — ‘ It 's Inner Cleanliness that counts ! ’ — ; and look forward with relish to eggs and bacon with a righteous sense of having earned them , and the lazy hours to follow .
19 As the black hole loses mass , the area of its event horizon gets smaller , but this decrease in the entropy of the black hole is more than compensated for by the entropy of the emitted radiation , so the second law is never violated .
20 While some forms of employment in the area have declined ( for example , in the railway workshops ) , they have been more than compensated for by the high technology boom and its associated distribution and service industries .
21 A market downturn in rig moves was more than compensated for by a significant increase in supporting offshore construction projects .
22 An outcome such as 4 raises A's utility to and B's to Intuitively , what is happening is that A 's loss of utility from the reduction of her own income is being more than compensated for by the knowledge that B 's income is also falling .
23 Hence the loss of areas 3 + 5 to the UK is more than compensated for by the remittance of profits from Germany , as area 10 is greater than areas 3 + 5 .
24 An excellent seam of Dutchmen was worked , " these were all Dutch naval pilots and navigators , not particularly experienced but the lack of hours was more than compensated for by their almost embarrassing zest for flying .
25 These setbacks however were more than compensated for by the successes .
26 If you 're a single parent and sick of being written about as a problem , rather than written for as a reader , One Parent Plus ( Jane Ward , Optima , £4.99 ) should be a refreshing change .
27 Although produced outside of the audited financial statements , and therefore not audited , a value added statement was produced :
28 Both Mr Schmidt and his predecessor , Willy Brandt , more than got by as government leaders without a majority in the upper house .
29 It is also a straightforward matter to create new words — and so to frame new concepts — by the use of prefixes , suffixes , etc , a quality sanctioned rather than frowned upon by the Sanskrit grammarians .
30 The SCDC Arts in Schools Project , although spoken of by the one LEA in the sample which was a participant in terms of gratitude for the support the Project 's staff had given , was criticized by staff in the other LEAs for the limited help it had given to them .
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