Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , in an effort to reach an accommodation with women trade unionists , the NUSEC rejected the traditional nineteenth-century feminist opposition to protective legislation , pledging to work for the extension of such legislation to men rather than opposing it for women .
2 Please return them as soon as possible , rather than using them for storage .
3 Other than using it for business purposes , there are no restrictions — except , of course , that you must not overstep your borrowing limit .
4 The other gentleman to whom I referred , Mr. Williams , was deported some little while ago , it being cheaper to deport him than prosecute him for the gross fraud that he has perpetrated against the United Kingdom .
5 Mr Dorrell continued : ’ In the past the Inland Revenue has , I am told , felt able to accept that the allowances paid to volunteers did no more than reimburse them for their actual expenses .
6 The state-owned Scottish Nuclear company , which operates Scotland 's two nuclear plants , has decided to " dry store " most of its spent nuclear fuel , rather than send it for reprocessing at the British Nuclear Fuels plant at Sellafield .
7 The reason why they maintained these holdings in dollars , rather than selling them for some other currency , was that dollar investments in New York remained attractive despite the decline in the relative value of the dollar in the early seventies .
8 If you were prone to feeling miserable , for example , the aim is to prevent feelings of misery rather than to swop them for feelings of ecstasy .
9 Better that than buying summat for
10 It 's a measure of their commitment to the cause of good design that their paramount concern is to make a page whose information can be readily absorbed , rather than to devise one for which the reader might need sunglasses .
11 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
12 During periods of anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism , the worms may also excrete pyruvic acid rather than retaining it for future oxidation when aerobic metabolism is possible .
13 The aim will be fulfilled if the teacher 's aid encourages self-help skills and good personal organisation by the pupil rather than doing everything for him in the way of fetching and returning materials .
14 Giving credit for extended periods is always more risky than giving it for shorter periods .
15 Give me a six foot tank and I 'm more likely to put a shoal of small 25mm Tetras into it , along with a few Dwarf Cichlids and Corydoras , than use it for one or two larger fish .
16 But she 'd bite her tongue off sooner than ask him for any favours .
17 Art helps us to break out of this prison-house by subverting conventional sign-systems and forcing us to focus our attention on signs themselves rather than taking them for granted .
18 It would seem likely that more people get themselves killed out of pride than sacrifice themselves for any moral end .
19 Unmarried teenage mothers are more likely nowadays to keep their children than to place them for adoption .
20 As we shall see more clearly after studying Chaucer 's other fabliaux and uses of fabliau , the Shipman 's Tale stands out as the particular instance when Chaucer uses a fabliau to place fabliau in a critical light , examining fabliau as an extant genre rather than exploiting it for some other purpose .
21 The important thing in this case was to reward him for being good rather than punish him for being naughty — if you scold or hit a young horse for not standing still you will only make matters worse .
22 ‘ Reward a young horse for being good rather than punish him for being naughty ’
23 Rather than punish him for the attempted rebellion , Henry gave Richard the task of quelling the very Aquitainian rebels from whom he had so recently looked for support .
24 As with values , it is probably best to assess your opponent 's objectives rather than to ask him for them .
25 Johnson 's problem was the IAAF 's problem , and the bottom line was that when he was caught cheating in Seoul , the powers-that-be imposed the statutory punishment of two years rather than banning him for life .
26 Williamson 's theory of the firm is an attempt , following Coase , to explain the existence and internal structure of firms rather than to take them for granted .
27 The shorter this is , the more sense it makes to take the lump sum , rather than deny yourself for a longer-term pension that you will not be around to enjoy .
28 If the animals had in any proper sense rights , we should no more be entitled to put them to death without a fair trial … than to torture them for our amusement .
29 As a community are we willing to risk building a just peace rather than arming ourselves for war ?
30 Do n't you come across many teachers who say something along the lines ‘ I 'd love to try this experiment ’ , or ‘ I 'd like to try this in a different way , but I have C S E or O level or A level coming up for my children in a term or a year and I ca n't possibly afford to do other than cram them for these examinations ’ .
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