Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 They have generally been found by the chance of fieldwork and aerial reconnaissance and many are awaiting discovery ; when they are studied in detail they are often found to be much larger than thought at first , covering areas , in some cases , of over 100 acres .
2 The established Communist parties , however , although overshadowed at first by the new radicalism , were by no means totally eclipsed by it .
3 This is a much more debatable — and debated — point than appears at first sight .
4 The distinction does arise and it can not entirely be neglected but it is much less important than appears at first sight .
5 There may prove to be less difference between some modern versions of Christianity and Buddhism and psychoanalysis than appears at first sight .
6 Such compound instructions may therefore be less useful than appears at first sight .
7 Those who have worked in the legal civil service report that it is much more interesting than appears at first sight .
8 He also called for a full investigation into Orkney 's Social Work Department , and the RSSPCC whose involvement was turning out to be very much more fundamental than had at first been supposed .
9 She spoke and understood more English than had at first appeared but it seemed to be English she had got from the Kettering children , so she was easily understood by Jacqueline who would run to her , climb on to her lap , whenever the maid sat down for a moment and stay there silent and apparently overawed .
10 As I have sought to show in the present chapter , the philosophical grounds on which individualism is defended , though compelling at first sight , are in fact open to doubt .
11 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
12 At the barrier at Gatwick , I was met by a friendly policeman who told me that the injuries were not as bad as had at first been thought , and that none of my family was in danger — news which immediately reduced me to tears .
13 The new structure as outlined by First Deputy Prime Minister with responsibility for management of the economy , Vladimir Shumeiko , who was in charge of the reorganization , comprised a three-tier system .
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