Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has been caused by infected suburban foxes from the east ( where until last month there was no vaccination programme ) finding their way into the city centre and crossing what was once the border into West Berlin .
2 Some of these are particularly striking because they occur in circumstances where at first sight one would expect nothing interesting to happen .
3 See I , mind you whenever I 'm late you see I can get on it for twenty pence except for first thing in morning .
4 Does the hon. Gentleman accept that in my constituency there has been no major industry since 1979 , except for last year when two British companies sold their businesses to the Taiwanese ?
5 Well except for third party , how long
6 What had enriched the rich was not their insulation from imports ( rich countries do , in fact , import massively all sorts of goods ) but their success in manufactured exports , where higher prices could be commanded than for Third World raw materials .
7 Scudamore has reached the half century in 12 fewer days than during last season 's fantastic voyage into jumping history .
8 The signing was unorthodox , many of the gestures modified and difficult to read ; there was no fingerspelling at all other than of first letters of names .
9 Again , that this is the case is not contradicted by the fact that , in many spheres , I may have much more in common with first world men than with third world women .
10 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
11 TOTAL construction orders in the third quarter of 1989 were 9 per cent lower than in second quarter and 3 per cent lower than in the same period of 1988 , according to provisional figures from the Department of Environment .
12 In recognition of this fact , there has been a significant entrance of women into mainstream media — much more in western than in Third World countries , but to a noticeable extent in the latter as well .
13 " You 'll be better off investing in OTC stocks , " Harvard dealers urged ; they were paid a higher commission on OTC than on third market sales .
14 Although at first sight , the great abundance of bogs and freshwater lochs on the Outer Hebrides suggests an abundance of suitable sites for palaeoecological studies , on closer examination several are unsuitable for detailed investigation .
15 Although at first sight the quotations reproduced above may seem to have said all that needs to be said , it will be worthwhile trying to specify exactly the mechanisms by which associative mediation theory generates the effects that need to be explained .
16 Although at first sight , therefore , it seems that there was a strong age-related gradient in the overall net income of elderly people , the effect was largely accounted for by the dissolution of married-couple households when husbands died , leaving widows significantly worse off not only than married couples , but also than men living on their own .
17 Although at first sight the Bull-Leaping Fresco found in the cellars of the Labyrinth 's East Wing seems in its present reconstruction to show , on the left , a bull-leaper waiting to be hoisted into the air , the figure is in fact a bull-grappler and represents a group of two , three or four grapplers whose job it was to pad the horns , keep the bull 's head low and the rest of its body still during the leap .
18 Although at first sight straightforward , there is a curious element of circularity in this definition .
19 Although at first sight these three points apply only to overall policy development , in practice they apply at all levels , including individual branch development .
20 Although at first sight the answers to them seem obvious , they become much more complex and contestable when subjected to closer examination , and they have never been systematically brought together , or the questions definitively resolved .
21 Although at first sight the Democratic losses in the House appeared to indicate the absence of a presidential " coat-tail " effect — the term used when legislative candidates were swept into office by the momentum of their party 's victorious presidential nominee — this was misleading , as a close comparison between 1992 and past elections was made difficult by considerable changes in the electoral map .
22 Hence at balance Although at first sight this may appear to be a single balance condition , in order to be satisfied , the real and imaginary parts of the two sides of the equation must be separately equal so that it is in fact a double balance condition as anticipated .
23 The three authors , all former Red Guards ( Li Yi Zhe was their collective pen name ) had been arrested for expressing their radical views in ‘ On Socialist Democracy and the Legal System ’ , although at first Deng Xiaoping and Zhao Ziyang had suggested that they supported the main ideas of the poster .
24 Although at first TANU was at a disadvantage in not having its own daily paper , it probably benefited from the publicity , albeit negative , given by the Government press .
25 On this occasion , he did agree to make a speech on stage after the performance , although at first Sherek " thought he was not going to say anything at all , because he just stood there trying to see his wife 's face in the audience " .
26 Councillor Begg continued : ‘ Although at first glance , the council tax does not appear to be as complicated as the community charge , it is still a very complex tax compared to the rates .
27 Given that the tax system is much less progressive in real terms than at first sight , what affect do welfare benefits have on the redistribution of income ?
28 The discrepancy between men and women is greater at higher degree level than at first degree level .
29 However , since they are often used on surfaces which are already highly contaminated , the need may be less than at first thought .
30 As the rival armies became entrenched in the battlefields of France , the realization dawned that hostilities would last a lot longer than at first thought .
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