Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [vb -s] the " in BNC.

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1 Where the relevant movement does not span the change in reference date of January 1987 , the indexation factor is calculated in the usual way using : where RD equals the retail price index for the month on which the disposal occurs ; and RI equals the retail price index for March 1982 or the month on which expenditure was incurred , whichever is the later .
2 The map is shown in false colour , where yellow represents the most dense and blue the least dense areas .
3 In some cases it is also hard to measure scheme cost , eg where aid takes the form of tax concessions .
4 where R represents the number of correct responses for the right ear/visual field and I stands for the left ear/visual field .
5 In fact where r represents the learning rate .
6 Where Morley offends the gangbusters is in saying that crack does n't invariably kill or addict , and that , if what you need is a change of mind , it can be fun while it lasts .
7 Thus the Japanese sentence ( 97 ) ano-hon-wa John-ga kat-ta That book-topic John-subject bought means roughly " as for that book ( or , talking of that book ) , John bought it " , where wa marks the topic , ga the grammatical subject ( where topic and subject are identical , only wa is used ; Gundel , 1977 : 17 ) .
8 Under this regime , the most solid nerves can not resist for long ; the moment arrives where the blood mounts to the head ; where fever burns the body and where the nerves , exhausted , become incapable of reacting .
9 Ararat is mostly fact ; Swallow , where Victor interviews the President , is mostly fiction .
10 Even where knowledge appears the same though , there is often a difference in the way it is applied and understood .
11 Democracy might not be much , in his view , but everything else is worse ; and a robber-baron , as he once remarked to the Marxist scientist J. B. S. Haldane , is better than an inquisitor , since greed sleeps easier than dogmatic certainty : ‘ where Mammon vacates the throne , how if Moloch takes his place ? ’
12 Consider next a curve in space where s measures the curve length from some reference point along it .
13 The drama of the moment was recaptured in Perelandra , the second in the science-fiction trilogy , where Ransom remembers the strength which was given to him in a moment requiring supreme moral courage .
14 In a closed system the given amount of initial free energy becomes less readily available as the system develops towards a state with maximum entropy , where entropy signifies the degree to which energy has become unable to perform work .
15 Where demand outstrips the number of licences , the NetWare Loadable Module will be able to create a waiting list that enables users to launch the software when a slot becomes free .
16 Yet , since confirmation is not what counts , the oval at the bottom , where theory passes the test , says austerely ‘ no consequent action ’ rather than ‘ rejoice ! ’
17 Another difference from Marxism is the stress Durkheim places on the existence of consensus and the need for order in society ( and for change to be of a peaceful and evolutionary nature ) , where Marxism stresses the centrality of class conflict and the necessity of revolution .
18 Where government takes the form of absolute power ‘ the one who controls it appears to the people as a divinity … this religiosity can not fail to have its usual effects on punishment ’ ( Durkheim , 1973 : 305 ) , making punishment more severe than one would expect for a society of the same level of development but a less absolute government .
19 This means that , where GaAs meets the insulating layer , electrons can exist at energies not usually allowable in plain old n-type GaAs .
20 More formally , where L denotes the actual amount traded in the labour market and where ‘ min ’ refers to the minimum — or , in this case , minor-quantity inside the parentheses .
21 It should be noted that even if Core Rule 36 modifies the duty of undivided loyalty as a matte of public law , 65 it will not provide protection where information crosses the wall.66 Further difficulties arise where a manager " overlooks " the wall in the course of discharging his managerial duties .
22 where PIVERB.DEF contains the following commands :
23 Where Newco acquires the business and assets directly , then prima facie the Transfer of Undertakings ( Protection of Employment ) Regulations 1981 will " preserve " employees ' contracts of employment on the same terms and conditions , with Newco becoming the new employer .
24 In P2/LP1 we branch on x 2 to create ( down ) node 3 with and ( up ) node 4 with , where AVk denotes the assigned value at node k .
25 My favourite aperçu comes in the very last paragraph of the final chapter ( ‘ From madrigal to cantata ’ ) , where Carter introduces the idea of a distinct ‘ terza prattica , whose principal vehicle was the emerging aria of the 1620s and 1630s .
26 On another side it was an assault upon the corruption of the highest truths ; against turning love of the Bible into bibliolatry , or creeds into scholastic definitions , or the sacrament into magic , or Popes and priests and bishops into a bureaucracy or a rigidity where structure becomes the end instead of the means ; or turning the Church into a social club .
27 This can result in a number of different formal patterns , such as ABACADA , or ABACABA , where A represents the recurring material and B , C , and D periods of change .
28 In Northern Ireland ( where BGS runs the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland as an agency service for the Department of Economic Development ) , following the catastrophic collapse in 1990 of the disused Tennant Salt Mine at Carrickfergus , Co .
29 Given our account of causal circumstances , that is fundamentally to say , in line with the independent conditional ( 5 ) set out in Section I .3 and mentioned at the beginning of this section , that for a to have the power to produce b is for roughly this to be true : if A & C , even if X , still B — where C asserts the existence of other conditions or events .
30 Tour guide ( left ) 's technical manager , shows guests the computer control room where operator explains the sophisticated production process .
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