Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There 's more of the giant baby who has a neat vocabulary but still ca n't manage to stay upright , more discussions and observations on life in general , and yet another head-to-head where talking at cross purposes is turned into an art form .
2 The government 's priority is to construct more coal and geothermal plants as soon as possible , rather than looking at energy efficiency and alternative strategies .
3 ‘ And it 's better than living at home . ’
4 The brochures claim it can be cheaper than staying at home .
5 It would have been better than staying at home but I did not want to wear a school uniform .
6 Worst match I 've ever seen ? losing away to Frickley Athletic in a pre-season friendly aa few years back — even worse than losing at home to Chester in the league/milk/littlewoods/whatever cup
7 But Jan said it was better working than sitting at home watching the dust settle , even if it was working with a bunch of loonies .
8 However , if staying at home is not possible , there are still many decisions to be made .
9 Because travelling at walking pace is so rare an experience for car drivers , the Woonerf must be well designed to ensure that the need for low speeds is made very clear .
10 The fifth-century kings of Macedon , and indeed those of the fourth century till Philip acceded in 359 , imported Greek culture — Pindar wrote a poem for Alexander I in the 490s — while keeping at spear 's length the Greeks who were actually manufacturing that culture .
11 It had fallen backwards into the narrow eight-feet-deep pipe while grazing at night .
12 It had been derailed at the entrance while approaching at speed with a sleeper service from Penzance ; miraculously there were no serious injuries , though much of the track at the station throat had to be relaid .
13 All you have to do while sitting at home or at work , or on a train or bus , is to tense up the arm and leg muscles , then let them go , saying to yourself ‘ I am relaxed ’ .
14 As far as grants are concerned , students who apply for a place are almost certain to have used at least three years ' worth of their local authority grant entitlement while studying at university or polytechnic , and may only be eligible for a further one-year entitlement if they have been accepted at a drama school .
15 But gradually , over the years , they had defected , as weak as the teenagers they so relentlessly criticized : they 'd let the old ways lapse in order to slump like dummies in front of appalling chat shows and glimpses of the Sugar Plum Fairy and obsequious shots of the Royal Family and its corgis and babies , to goggle at old movies and new dance routines and to sit back sucking sweeties while sneering at pop stars and newscasters making fools of themselves at televised parties .
16 While sleeping at night we fast and are exposed to a quiet , dark environment .
17 Interviews with riot participants indicated bitterness at the media 's failure to highlight prior police-community relations : ‘ They do not show people being stopped and searched in their cars , in their homes and whilst waiting at bus stops ’ , one interviewee complained .
18 Peter Blake turned up from Gravesend for his interview after a recent accident : whilst bicycling at night a man had suddenly crossed in front of him with a pram , causing Blake to land on his face on a newly made road .
19 He favours the plain dishes when eating at home , such as a plate of mince , sardines , spaghetti or bacon and eggs .
20 ‘ Tread ’ is the part of the tyre which comes into contact with the road surface in normal driving , i.e. not when cornering at speed .
21 The physical contact which He must have had with them when reclining at table ( compare John 13:25 ) and which He obviously never dreamed of disallowing ( Luke 7:38 , 39 ) must have made them feel clean and acceptable ’ ( Nolan 1976:39 ) .
22 More than 12,000 people have been treated in America and elsewhere and some have complained of glare , especially from car headlights when driving at night .
23 When driving at speed , the engineers noted that headwinds and crosswinds caused the blades to lift off the windscreen .
24 The bond equivalent yield is the coupon of a bond which when trading at par would give the same yield as a discount security .
25 When looking at reliability one principal concern was the purpose of the writer — whether of a primary or secondary source .
26 The test is basically an objective one , although subjective factors are introduced when looking at child defendants and persons under a disability .
27 Even though critics may not be as learned as their art-historical colleagues , there is no good reason for their practised eyes to cloud over when looking at art of other periods .
28 There are a number of factors that are to be considered when looking at motivation and morale within public sector organisations and these operate at many different levels .
29 ONE consideration , when looking at storage media for archiving purposes , is the lifetime of optical disks .
30 ( When looking at crime trends criminologists are usually hesitant about inferring objective worsening of problems on the basis of moral panics . )
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