Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] the end " in BNC.

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1 Through the silence rang a bell as if signalling the end of a round in a boxing match .
2 The Army was more ambivalent : while welcoming the end of National Service and the return to ‘ real soldiering ’ with a regular army , the Army Council looked askance at the loss of 51 regiments , 17 of which were infantry battalions with battle honours stretching back over the centuries .
3 Some see such intervention as heralding the end of elected local government but , as Goldsmith ( 1986 , p. xiv ) observes : ‘ Britain has not become a totally centralized state , nor is central government 's control over local authorities ’ activities yet total …
4 As a result of the ‘ crisis of wholeness ’ , which Erikson sees as marking the end of childhood , I was attempting to achieve a ‘ sense of inner identity ’ .
5 Although the six cased their announcement as marking the end of the Unix GUI wars — and Sun chief Scott McNealy was finally heard uttering support for the dreaded ‘ M ’ word — reaction to the news was mixed .
6 This predominantly one-directional social mobility was the pattern up until the quadrupling of oil prices in the winter of 1973 — 4 , an event which , for the purposes of this book , is accepted as marking the end of the post-war period in Britain .
7 In his welcoming remarks Bush stressed that " the success of this summit depends not on the agreements we will sign but on our efforts to overcome division and discord , to build a world of peace in freedom " ; Gorbachev also highlighted the symbolic significance of the summit as marking the end of the " prejudice , mistrust and animosity " of the Cold War .
8 The elections were also regarded as marking the end of " cohabitation " between President Mário Soares , a former secretary-general of the PS , and the PSD government of Prime Minister Aníbal Cavaco Silva .
9 The announcement , which followed a meeting of 364 UDF leaders , was widely seen as marking the end of an era in the anti-apartheid struggle .
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