Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were , moreover , good reasons why a rapidly-growing industry such as electricity should raise a large proportion of its capital on the market rather than financing itself through higher earnings , as some of the critics suggested .
2 Consequently , rather than allowing ourselves to be drawn into a metaphysical wild-goose chase we should concentrate instead on exploring the structural features of the minimal conceptual apparatus upon which any significant choice of ontological objects must depend .
3 Rather than contenting himself with a specific and clearly defined puzzle , Poulantzas aims to give a broad account of the capitalist state , which will show what it is and what it does by revealing its connections with the various instances of the social whole .
4 Like his men , he has made a blanket-roll to carry immediate necessities rather than burdening himself with a blanket bag or other form of knapsack .
5 ‘ But the thrust of our approach is to start at home , focusing on one thing at a time rather than confusing ourselves by trying to do everything at once — which is a major reason why 85 per cent of organisations trying to do something in this area fail to get it right .
6 We adopted the position and as soon as the issue 's resolved the better so I 'm somewhat reluctant in saying that Jack Straw could be less equivocal about C C T rather than concerning himself with what is written on the back of his party card .
7 Rather than concerning itself with the way in which the properties of this structure emerge from its components , it takes the structure as given and asks how it reproduces itself and changes .
8 The touchline was the launchpad — more so against Ireland than France — of some of Scotland 's best driving mauls and highlighted the danger of players swelling defensive ranks rather than committing themselves to the maul .
9 What better way to unwind at the end of a frantic week than treating yourself to an hour or two of pure pampering ?
10 Older people , not unreasonably , relate health to others of their own approximate age rather than comparing themselves with younger people in their physical prime .
11 Some other option than putting herself in debt to DeVore ?
12 There are not many harsher disappointments in county cricket than finding yourself on the outside looking in , as was the case with another Robinson — Phil — at the start of this season following his acrimonious departure from Yorkshire .
13 Rather than locking himself in his bedroom staring mournfully out of the window , Lemn reaches out to his audience , grabs them by the lapels , rapping and ranting his bitter sweet rhyming couplets .
14 We understood his need to feel that he was special , that someone was looking after him , and wished he could draw strength from us , rather than locking himself in his fantasies .
15 There are plenty of other ways than throwing yourself from a walkway . ’
16 As a community are we willing to risk building a just peace rather than arming ourselves for war ?
17 All of them were sitting forward in their seats , as if bracing themselves for a collision .
18 When his father was absent , he would come here himself and stand beside the pool , staring down into the water as if emptying himself into its depths , letting his thoughts become the fish , drifting , gliding slowly , almost listlessly in the water , then rising swiftly to breach the surface , imbued with sudden purpose .
19 He gave a little start as if recalling himself to reality and said :
20 He frowned down for a few moments at the damp patch on the matting at his feet , then he shook his head , as if ridding himself of some unwelcome thought , and looked up at me again .
21 Mosley kept aloof , as if reserving himself for better things , but Joyce stood with Jim Bailey , a furniture trader , for Shoreditch .
22 The eagles talked less now and fell into their own thoughts as if preparing themselves for the dark months ahead .
23 That ’ s our stupidity , ’ he said sadly as if unburdening himself of a great guilt .
24 Oswald sat up , shaking his head as if freeing himself from a trance .
25 If restoring himself to full driving fitness was one thing , Ferrari was no help on the psychological front .
26 Still , the application of different principles of design at the two ends could be accounted for in one man 's work : either by supposing that he saw and was overwhelmed by the Theseion mural between designing the east and designing the west ; or , perhaps more convincingly , that he felt a traditional , sculptural style proper to the entrance-front while allowing himself at the back to experiment with a new pictorial interest .
27 As mothers and doctors we benefit from being able to continue our medical careers while devoting ourselves to our families ; our patients have access to female doctors sympathetic to the experience of raising a young family ; and our practice is enriched by our contributions on the broadest range of issues from the clinical to the practical .
28 John Arthur Johnson was born in 1878 and worked on a milk wagon , in livery stables , in bakers ' shops , at Galveston docks and in various other occupations while establishing himself as a boxer of some distinction .
29 Here , for example , is an extract from a memorandum to a US delegate to the Paris Peace Conference by Lawrence of Arabia , who had led the Arabs to victory while torturing himself with the secret knowledge of his part in their betrayal : ‘ On 1 October ( 1918 ) , the people of Beyrout , in emulation of the Damascenes , turned on their Turkish garrison of 700 men , and took them prisoner …
30 The mountain before them was the birthplace of mankind ; and he referred the ladies , while excusing himself with an ingratiating laugh for mentioning an indelicate subject , to the authority of Our Saviour 's words to Nicodemus , where it is stated that a man can not enter a second time into his mother 's womb and be born once more .
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