Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There may also be more room for professional bodies to discipline those whose conduct has not come up to expected standards but where proving dishonesty in a court would be hard .
2 Tyndall was a Professor at the Royal Institution , and an accomplished lecturer in that tradition , where arousing interest in a general audience was all-important , in contrast to academics training students , who thought of him as windy and superficial .
3 Where entering rays of snow cut horizontal
4 where breathing stabs like a knife ,
5 This design was inspired by a trip to New England , in the United States , where placing garlands of dried flowers on front doors is a traditional sign of welcome .
6 Although handling arrangement at UK airports are excellent , there are rare occasions when your baggage may unfortunately be delayed .
7 It must have been a dismal job for those children , who , like children everywhere , would have preferred to have been playing rather than handling ton after ton of cold wet ore and stone .
8 The Press and Information Ministry , rather than re-registering Izvestiya as the Supreme Soviet newspaper , on July 20 appealed to the Constitutional Court over the legality of the Supreme Soviet resolution .
9 An obvious ( if possibly fatuous ) answer is that , rather than wasting money on potentially unwanted presents , people have given cash , which the recipients have rushed out to spend on reduced-price merchandise .
10 Nurse prescribing will save the waste of time that he has described when district nurses have to go backwards and forwards to doctors , and will allow them to give their time to more beneficial activities , rather than wasting petrol on such journeys .
11 The shots had sounded from the hills somewhere to the north , and rather than wasting time on the main path that rose with the gentle contours of the valley , we took a short cut up the steep , almost sheer , cliff behind the houses .
12 In effect , he argued that the policy changes in China that Democrats want to see can be achieved through better mechanisms than attaching conditions to MFN status .
13 Although professing support for the retention of the pay formula , senior officers hoped industrial action could be avoided .
14 The National Assembly on March 19 adopted the government 's amendments to the July 1989 electoral law [ ibid. ] , apparently tabled in view of the perceived strength of the FIS , which introduced proportional representation to increase the share of seats won by smaller parties , rather than allowing parties with over 50 per cent of the vote to take all the seats in that locality .
15 Rather than seeing containment as that which pre-empts and defeats transgression we need to see both containment and transgression as potentially productive processes .
16 Rather than seeing responses to questions as simple indicators of factual properties , these theorists saw them as data from which it was possible to make inferences about the dispositional and motivational character of social actors ' behaviours .
17 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
18 The idea that people operate ‘ strategies ’ in which they assess a range of options , and act to maximize their opportunities , has become an increasingly important insight in historical work on the family , and one which accords an active role to human beings in constructing their own lives , rather than seeing individuals at the mercy of large scale social forces ( Morgan , 1985 , p. 175 ) .
19 But rather than seeing Gloucester as a weak independent power eclipsed by a strong court connection , one should probably , as in East Anglia , think of him as part of that connection .
20 But rather than seeing Gloucester as a weak independent power eclipsed by a strong court connection , one should probably , as in East Anglia , think of him as part of that connection .
21 Nevertheless , if we are ever to make new discoveries about intonation , it will be as a result of studying what people actually say rather than inventing examples of what they might say .
22 Such women may have been rather running businesses than producing goods in so far as they relied on journeymen .
23 He said the prison would follow a methadone reduction programme rather than maintaining prisoners on the drug .
24 Meetings between the two monarchs were arranged , but rather than bringing peace to the two countries , fresh hostilities broke out .
25 Mhm , rather than bringing people in
26 Decks serving multi- floor accommodation outside the warehouse will also provide escape routes from the upper storage levels , but their structural integrity must be complete in an emergency , although allowing time for people to escape to safety in other protected areas and routes leading to the open air at ground level .
27 Although targeting employment through the labour market is inevitably uncertain , skills training certainly improves the job prospects of local people .
28 Why do the farmers normally leave the floodplain fields in permanent grass rather than rotating crops on them ?
29 So straw-burning rather than using straw for animals is something which is bad for the environment and for welfare .
30 Would it not be far better for the Government to end these punitive and ridiculous double tax payments — the Post Office already pays corporation tax — thus allowing it to concentrate on improving the quality of service to customers rather than pursuing abolition of the second delivery in towns and putting restrictions on rural services such as insisting that people have letter boxes at the bottom of their gardens or , in some cases , making people go to village centres for their letters ?
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