Example sentences of "[subord] [vb pp] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where exposed by erosion even quite small intrusions can be significant features in the landscape , especially if they are composed of a rock type which is markedly more resistant to weathering than the adjacent strata .
2 ( 4 ) ( a ) Where a member of a recognised body dies the recognised body shall ensure that any shares registered in his name at the time of his death are within twelve months of his death registered in the name of a solicitor or a recognised body or ( where permitted by paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) ( i ) of this Rule ) a registered foreign lawyer or ( where the recognised body is a company limited by shares ) are acquired by the recognised body itself .
3 ( 4 ) ( a ) Where a member of a recognised body dies the recognised body shall ensure that any shares registered in his name at the time of his death are within twelve months of his death registered in the name of a solicitor or a recognised body or ( where permitted by paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) ( i ) of this Rule ) a registered foreign lawyer or ( where the recognised body is a company limited by shares ) are acquired by the recognised body itself .
4 They have a long history of use in planning practice , there is a wide measure of consensus about their use in control and , where covered by policy , it tends to be as broad , flexible statements in structure or local plans , amplified in detail in supplementary planning guidance .
5 Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix products are also available for the platforms where required by customers , it says .
6 But in the old core areas of physical coercion , such as Russia and Rumania , where serfdom lasted longest , the peasantry were left as a fairly homogeneous mass ( except where divided by race or nationality ) and discontented , if not potentially revolutionary .
7 As a result they have also been trapped into importing food , an operation with considerable potential for losses , although ameliorated by exchange rate policy .
8 In a series of chapters edited by Hewitt ( 1983 ) it is demonstrated how natural hazard is not uniquely dependent upon geophysical processes , human awareness is not dependent upon the geophysical conditions , and reaction to disaster may be dependent upon ongoing social order rather than explained by conditions or behaviour to calamitous events .
9 Brian , although fascinated by psychology , always wanted to sort himself out , not put his mind into another 's hands .
10 The politicians were less impressed by the restoration of free elections than irritated by de Gaulle 's determination to place constraints on the assembly 's freedom of action .
11 Management has no knowledge of selling overseas and , although educated by experience , has little knowledge of finance , economics , languages , etc. , which are of help when selling overseas .
12 Dotty was n't at all sure the poor woman should n't have been left in the telephone box until the ambulance arrived , rather than carried by George across the square in a fireman 's lift under an old blanket , but Rose had convinced her that a scandal must be avoided at all costs .
13 Any good effect of these moves , however , was more than cancelled by publication , without any accompanying statement of Government policy , of the report of the ill-conceived May Committee on that same penultimate day of July .
14 If water can be diverted to a drain in a yard , rather than lifted by mops , squeegees are preferred .
15 And off-screen , too , he 's had reasons to be less than charmed by life .
16 Paradoxically , although surrounded by water , dolphins , like other marine mammals , tend to lose water from their bodies to the sea .
17 Although surrounded by peat moorlands , Toftingall rests on a gravel base and has a pH of approximately 7.5 .
18 Britain 's trade gap narrowed in February to seven hundred and fifty million pounds from eight hundred and fifty-eight million , but the figures are worse than expected by City analysts .
19 This raised three different problems ( or opportunities , as we say in marketing ) : overall , the quality of the stores was higher than expected by people used to Allied Carpets ' promotional style ; people were not fully aware of the extent of the offer — they did not associate Allied with furniture and beds ; and , in a market where independent retailers are still the dominant factor , they had low expectations of Allied 's standards of personal service .
20 Although built by Brush instead of Milnes , the bodies of these cars were almost identical to those of Corporation Nos. 46–55 .
21 Overall output grew by only 1.6 per cent , to 5,120,000 tonnes , the fall in Malaysian production being more than off-set by Thai , Indian and Chinese supplies .
22 The European Recovery and Recycling Association has stated its preference for schemes which are commercially-XXXX driven , rather than imposed by regulations , while the Industrial Council for Packaging and the Environment ( Incpen ) has criticized its lack of flexibility .
23 It would be infinitely better if these feelings could be translated into action by the islanders themselves , rather than imposed by outsiders who , by their very upbringing , may never fully understand the ways of islanders .
24 As the camp magazine critic noted : ‘ The effect of soprano and alto parts an octave lower than written by Handel was peculiar but … the aged Commandant , Graf Schwerin , thanked the men for the music with trembling voice and tears on his cheeks . ’ )
25 She has devoted her time to the survey of the wreck of an East Indiaman lying off Weymouth ; once captained by William Wordsworth 's brother , the ship went down in 1805 .
26 Although it had become easier for some middle-class men ( or their sons ) to earn membership of the national ruling culture by Edwardian times , their status as true " gentlemen " remained equivocal in an atmosphere of continued mistrust of the business community , albeit tempered by outbreaks of anxiety over the volatility of the lower orders which it was felt the task of their middle-class superiors to defuse .
27 The Strategic Defence Initiative received $4,150 million , $1,000 million less than requested by Bush ; much of the money would finance deployment by 1996 of an initial , ground-based system of 100 interceptors capable of shooting down incoming missiles , rather than the space-based system conceived by Reagan .
28 In fact , there is little doubt that the ‘ hard ’ ERM — in which there is never a realignment — will now revert to its old status of being a system of fixed but flexible exchange rates , and that the process to monetary union will be slower and more gradual than envisaged by Maastricht .
29 In contrast to the aforementioned pol III genes , U6 snRNA genes from vertebrates , although transcribed by RNA polymerase III , are controlled by promoter elements resembling those of typical pol II genes .
30 Although produced by computer , the conditions are not always in a set standard form .
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