Example sentences of "[subord] [noun prp] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A large number of rebels were imprisoned in Wells Cathedral and later in the jails of Taunton and Bridgwater , where Ken visited them and ministered to their spiritual and material misery .
2 Where Ann wrote it for last year , for my ri
3 Where Eva went she often followed , to outings , functions , Shakespearean plays .
4 And there , exactly where Simon knew he would be , was Gazzer .
5 The final activities were another guided tour , back at Wharf Station , where Graham showed us round the museum that he played a central role in setting up .
6 At last she reached Broom House and rushed into the surgery , where Helen greeted her with evident relief .
7 Mayer was trying to console Gilbert on the day of what should have been his wedding to Garbo , but when the bride failed to appear the forsaken groom fled to the men 's room where Mayer found him crying .
8 Instead I retreated for a caffeine hit to Reception where Beverly advised me : ‘ Divorce her .
9 He remained at home where Mary nursed him until he died fifteen months later .
10 Both men were taken to the police station where Grannell said he had been drinking and had no recollection of what had happened .
11 Marcus was still in there , probably sitting on the lavatory , where Irina said he liked to spend time .
12 She lost all sense of direction and , ‘ I never knew quite where Raynor took me , ’ she said afterwards .
13 She had no idea afterwards how she got to the Villa Alberti where Ferdinando took her to break the news and tell the tale of his fruitless trip .
14 He showed him into the living room where Sammy greeted him , wagging his tail .
15 She put her hands over her ears and walked along the beach , to sit up in the sand dunes , where Gazzer found her … .
16 Dotty was n't there to cosset him , and presently he went upstairs to the wardrobe , where Prue made him a cup of tea .
17 But seeing Damien made her lose concentration and before she knew what was happening she found herself boxed in yet again .
18 Some of the finest of these were on the walls of Puang Sangalla 's house , where Ranteallo took us the following morning to meet his dead father , and barely alive eighty-seven-year-old mother .
19 Soon , however , we were into long stretches of powder and spring snow where Andrew videoed us in action .
20 you all start at exactly the same level whereas where Claire went I mean , it 's ridiculous to say you should be county standard sports !
21 It was a mixture of strange colours and the knitted ties felt scratchy where Gloria knotted them under Dot 's chin .
22 They did not stay long , because her drowsiness began to increase , and a short time later they left to go in search of Women 's Surgical , where Stella greeted them with pleased surprise .
23 Let down , their elation leaking away , they had decided to give up , and taken a taxi back to Alice 's mother 's house , where Alice made them both coffee and scrambled eggs .
24 When she returned to Swans ' Meadow , she found Ursula had embarked on a cold-blooded drinking bout and was reluctant to accompany her into the garden , the one venue where Charlotte felt she could safely disclose what had happened .
25 Even on the top one where Rachel showed us our chambers , the air was warmed by sweetened braziers and the atmosphere was comforting with gleaming wainscoting , coloured cloths , woollen carpets , carved chests and chairs .
26 Other drops were found but nothing else so Mandeville ordered us to resume our search .
27 Andrew Neil is very litigious for an editor ( ‘ Randy Andy Gets a Grandy ’ , you may remember , as The Sun put it in January ) , so although Pamella told me lots of … interesting things about him , I 'd better tread carefully .
28 Above all , this is a less regimented show than Noelte made it ; the chorus work is scrappy , and sometimes looks under-rehearsed , with much School-of-Sadlers-Wells handshaking and glass-waving .
29 In November church bells were rung to celebrate the victory at El Alamein , and everyone felt that at last the war might be near the end , although Churchill told them they were wrong .
30 The saxophonist 's widow refused to lie in Ken and Rhoda 's bed , so Ken offered it to Bernard and Ellen : they took the offer , rightly , as a gesture of approval , and the four of them carried it one very early morning from No. 97 to No. 93 .
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