Example sentences of "[subord] [coord] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 697 , 739–740 , involving a local authority and one or more other parties ( whether or not including a local authority ) .
2 This can enable those who , because of mental illness , may pose a significant risk to their own health or safety or the safety of other people and who are limited in self-awareness , to accept treatment or care , whether or not including medication .
3 A letter says authorities ‘ should in particular consider expanding the role of local GPs in family planning by supplying them with condoms for free distribution to any patient whether or not at high risk if this is thought desirable as a means of preventing HIV [ the Aids virus ] ’ .
4 ( 6 ) The members of a licensing board for a district or licensing division of a district shall be elected at the first meeting of the district council held after the ordinary election of that council in 1977 and , in the case of subsequent elections , of those members : ( a ) except in so far as paragraph ( b ) below otherwise provides , at the first meeting of the council held after each Subsequent ordinary election of the council ; and ( b ) where a determination under subsection ( 3 ) above is made ( whether or not at such meeting of the council as is mentioned in paragraph ( a ) above ) , either : ( i ) at the meeting at which the determination is made ; or ( ii ) at the first meeting of the council held after such meeting as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( i ) above .
5 ( 7 ) The members of a licensing board for an islands area or licensing division of an islands area shall be elected at a meeting of the council of the islands area to be held on a date between May 16 , 1977 and June 30 , 1977 to be determined by the council , and , in the case of subsequent elections of those members : ( a ) except in so far as paragraph ( b ) below otherwise provides , at the first meeting of the council held after each subsequent ordinary election of the council ; and ( b ) where a determination under subsection ( 3 ) above is made ( whether or not at such meeting of the council as is mentioned in paragraph ( a ) above ) , either : ( i ) at the meeting at which the determination is made ; or ( ii ) at the first meeting of the council held after such meeting as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( i ) above .
6 205(1) ( xxvii ) " Term of years absolute " means a term of years ( taking effect either in possession or in reversion whether or not at a rent ) with or without impeachment for waste , subject or not to another legal estate , and either certain or liable to determination by notice , re-entry , operation of law , or by a provision for cesser on redemption , or in any other event ( other than the dropping of a life , or the determination of a determinable life interest ) ; but does not include any term of years determinable with life or lives or with the cesser of a determinable life interest , nor , if created after the commencement of this Act , a term of years which is not expressed to take
7 For this purpose , we propose that all the covenants in a lease should be treated in the same way , whether or not at present they touch and concern the land .
8 It suggested that submission obtained by threats other than of violence might suffice for rape and held that it should be left to the jury , with adequate direction from the judge , to make up its mind whether or not on the facts of each case the woman had truly consented .
9 a false indication that a price is expected to be increased or reduced or maintained ( whether or not for a particular period ) ;
10 The tenant 's holding is that part of the property occupied by him ( whether or not for business purposes ) or by an employee of his employed in the business giving rise to protection ( s23(3) ) .
11 Sometimes executives have , in effect , a choice as to whether or not to be dismissed .
12 She did n't know whether or not to be disappointed .
13 Also reviewable are decisions of prosecuting authorities whether or not to institute proceedings , although the available grounds of review may be limited .
14 The people working in them choose whether or not to ‘ exploit ’ themselves .
15 In deciding whether or not to relist an appeal , it could be said that the Court of Appeal is not hearing an appeal but is exercising an autonomous jurisdiction relating to its own procedures .
16 The Social Services Department is now deciding whether or not to discipline them .
17 a helmet bearing a marking applied by the manufacturer indicating compliance with the specification contained in one of the British Standards mentioned in Schedule 2 ( whether or not as modified by any amendment ) ; or
18 Whether or not as a result of the unease expressed at this meeting , two completely separate organizations were set up in its wake .
19 A variety of causes can lie behind the poor performer 's difficulty — low threshold to boredom , poor verbal facility in professional discussions with adults , inadequate job knowledge ( whether or not as a result of inadequate initial training ) or stress .
20 ‘ In any proceedings ( whether or not under this Act ) — ( a ) a statement of affairs prepared for the purposes of any provision of this Act which is derived from the Insolvency Act 1985 , and ( b ) any other statement made in pursuance of a requirement imposed by or under any such provision or by or under rules made under this Act , may be used in evidence against any person making or concurring in making the statement .
21 Section 433 is concerned with the admissibility in evidence of a special class of document derived from insolvency in , as the section provides ‘ any proceedings ’ ( whether or not under the Insolvency Act 1986 or the Theft Act 1968 ) .
22 ( d ) Multi-national partnerships The Law Society has recently introduced provisions for the regulation of MNPs which will affect all foreign lawyers , whether or not from within the EC .
23 Putting aside these cases of major civil strife it is possible to discern some consistency in the pattern of apparently arbitrary economic decisions taken by governments , whether or not in the form of ‘ great leaps ’ .
24 Whether or not in our time parents may be said to be justified by the sad statistics of the permissive society , it is certain that in the nineteenth century , parents had little option because of the sad statistics of mortality among children .
25 Any instructions to counsel and any opinion of counsel ( whether or not in connection with any proceedings ) and any advice received , information obtained or action to be taken in connection with —
26 held that a general charge on the undertaking of a company applied to all its ships , whether or not in existence at the time of its creation .
27 And therefore , in the County Council 's erm opinion , the test which I need to adopt when I go to the site again , is to look at it and er simply make a decision as to whether or not in my opinion the land is more properly a part of this built-up area which can not perform a greenbelt function , or is a part of the general extent of greenbelt around there , and therefore by definition performs a greenbelt function .
28 A duty solicitor had an obligation to provide advice to persons in custody and , if desired , to make a bail application ; he or she had a discretion to provide advice and representation to defendants , whether or not in custody , in cases involving imprisonable offences , and even in connection with non-imprisonable offences in exceptional cases .
29 a ) the remuneration of , and any expenses incurred by , listing officers in carrying out their functions under the Act ( including the remuneration and expenses of persons , whether or not in the service of the Crown , to assist them ) ;
30 In the words of Lord Greene in Davies v Collins [ 1945 ] 1 All ER 247 : Whether or not in any given contract performance can properly be carried out by the employment of a sub-contractor , must depend on the proper inference to be drawn from the contract itself , the subject matter of it and other material surrounding circumstances .
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