Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Where once upon a time there had only been fishing boats , now bobbed the magnificent yachts of international millionaires .
2 His immediate superior and his superintendent had departed ten minutes before for a conference at Lewes and he was more than somewhat at a loss .
3 There was nothing I could do for it this time' ) , but ‘ Is She Really Going Out With Him ? ’ , formerly ditched , now finds itself reinstated , although apparently in a setting designed to tease out its reluctant humour once and for all .
4 The wheel , of 16 feet diameter , and most of the machinery is still intact although apparently in a poor state of repair .
5 There were now , albeit only for a minority , alternatives to invisibility .
6 However , there are many other radio stations around the country that can influence the success of your record , albeit only on a regional basis .
7 He did n't think of her as often now , except perhaps on a long weekend when he was off-duty ; the rest of the time he had things to occupy his mind .
8 But the general proposition that human affairs must be understood from within does not require the assumption that individuals make history , except perhaps as a convenient device for identifying what calls for deeper understanding .
9 I can say " This is a cherry " and everyone understands what I mean , but I can not very well say " This is an offspring " without committing a grammatical impropriety , except perhaps as a contextually forgivable elipsis when it is already clear whose offspring is being talked about .
10 Unlike Princess Julie , the rest of the family spent their time in repeating malicious gossip about Eugénie 's past life , hinting that she had a more than dubious reputation , but their attitude in no way influenced the Emperor , except perhaps in a contrary sense .
11 Willingness is essential for a good child 's pony , and one would think necessary , although perhaps to a lesser degree , for most adults to really enjoy riding too .
12 Having viewed the replacement external fresco and the church — although only through a haze of overhead tram wires — from the little square where Via Mazzini crosses Via Falcone and several other minor roads , go inside and see the real one which stands above the main altar , beneath Bramante 's masterly pseudo-apse .
13 The Windows for Workgroups beta included software to permit a DOS machine to hook up to a Windows for Workgroups network , although only as a client , so it 's safe to assume that the same Workgroup Connection software will find its way into version 6 .
14 Radiation may induce diarrhoea by a non-inflammatory mechanism such as bile acid malabsorption ( although only as a feature of late radiation damage to the small bowel ) .
15 Perhaps one of the most valuable assets of TL is restoring some tangible contact with the environment , although only to a limited extent .
16 Some normalization of the security situation in Knin began on Aug. 21 , although only after a demonstration by several thousand residents had secured an undertaking from the local police chief that no disciplinary action would be taken against policemen who had sided with the insurgents .
17 Yet education is very much the sort of thing you might expect Moore 's principles to display as worth while in its own right rather than merely as a means to , or even component of , other things .
18 The fact that central government was now beginning to regard Siberia as an integral part of Russia as a whole , rather than merely as a colonial appendage , was marked by the abolition in 1763 of the Siberian Department ( Sibirskii prikaz ) , the central state bureau which had , with a brief interruption under Peter the Great , been directly responsible for the governance and administration of the territory since 1637 .
19 Evidence in favour of this interpretation of the phrase ‘ the physical environment ’ is found in DoE Circular 55/77 ( now withdrawn ) which made it clear that a statement of pollution policy could appropriately form part of a structure plan , albeit necessarily of a general nature since they are policies stated by an authority ( county council ) responsible neither for air pollution control nor for most development control .
20 The salute and stamp of boot on bare floor were smarter than normally as a consequence .
21 Secondly , there is ‘ a need to be more giving ’ of oneself than normally in a psychotherapeutic or counselling relationship .
22 Though circumstances are so changed it is relevant to remember that in their heyday syllabubs were regarded as refreshments to be offered at card parties , ball suppers and at public entertainments , rather than just as a pudding for lunches and dinners , although they did quite often figure as part of the dessert in the days when a choice of sweetmeats , fruits , jellies , confectionery and creams was set out in a formal symmetrical array in the centre of the table .
23 There had been various cases of ‘ blacked ’ journalists although usually as a result of pro-IRA stories .
24 Hereabouts , there are more signs of human occupation , albeit still on a small scale : small townships , scattered crofts , and a few large hotels to suggest that we are entering an area frequented by tourists .
25 In that sense it 's a glorified soap — and I 've heard it dismissed more than once as a yuppie Dallas , though I find it as difficult to understand how anyone could see it that way as those people would find it to understand how I can curl up , laugh and cry with the characters each week and carry their dilemmas around with me in the days in between .
26 If PF1/4 is pressed more than once during a single LIFESPAN log on session , all the requests will be directed to one copy of FORM.LST , which can then be printed after you have returned to VMS .
27 This figure will be inflated by those who have attended more than once on a Sunday , but , provided that church-going habits do not change , you will still have an accurate trend measure over a number of years , which is our primary interest .
28 He drank with Brendan Bracken , the red-haired Irishman who many thought was Churchill 's bastard , and slept more than once on a settee in the great man 's flat in Morpeth Mansions when they had all drunk too much whisky — although never while Churchill was in town .
29 Any café 'll do , but you ca n't use any of them more than once in a while or they start chucking you out .
30 The size of the oligonucleotide will determine whether it occurs more than once in a sample DNA and therefore might prime DNA polymerase activity at multiple sites .
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