Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Here at last was an obstacle to the streetwise , although perhaps not an insurmountable one .
2 The individual blooms can be single , semi-double , or fully double like the typical H.T. — although normally just a little smaller — and the clusters succeed each other almost continuously , or at least are recurrent , from early summer to November .
3 Although technically not a baron , for he held little directly from the king , Peter was a substantial magnate .
4 Neither of these innovations had much success ; but they showed more clearly than ever how a changed international situation was now being reflected in institutional change .
5 The fact that Margaret had been illegitimate , a war baby conceived between an Italian prisoner of war and an English landgirl , had no bearing on her name , although probably quite a lot to do with Margaret 's lack of maternalism , since she 'd been reared in a children 's home .
6 Rape tends to be presented as a crime of violence with sexual overtones rather than as simply a sexual offence .
7 Especially towards the end of the decade , the third type of headhunter was viewing the search business as a profession in its own right , as dynamic as the talent they were seeking , rather than as just an extension of management consultancy .
8 But stolid stonewalling makes for poor copy and dull viewing , and eventually they let him go , although even then a few of the younger and hungrier among them followed him down the wide staircase and out into Piazza Matteotti , hoping for a belated indiscretion .
9 The company rapidly becomes divided into two companies , one of which comprises the hewers of wood and carriers of water who are toiling away and actually achieving the relatively little that the company can achieve ; while the others , a separate band , although quite possibly a band of high potential in actual business terms , are playing the game of political musical chairs .
10 Although unquestionably still a successful band , it could be argued that Kiss 's heyday was some time ago .
11 Enoch Powell , who although no longer a Tory MP was closely listened to on the Conservative side , recalled that Margaret Thatcher had been called the ‘ Iron Lady ’ and rather liked the description .
12 Although no longer a barren exchange , they do not represent outline agreements to be followed at the national level .
13 Blyth was historically a separate place from Tyneside , although very much a part of the North East Coast .
14 Although very much a townsman , Eliot was , like G. K. Chesterton , a great advocate of country life , and he shared the attitude of many townsmen that most other people ought to live in the country .
15 She felt as if he was closing a door behind them and right at this moment she would have liked to keep it open , if only just a crack , because Felipe de Santis walked round the plane and stood watching them as they came towards him .
16 To approach them tell them how they feel about things rather than having to ring you up and make an appointment if only once a year or once every six months use a group .
17 So the notion that venture capitalists are prone to interfering in the businesses in which they invest is not , strictly speaking , a valid one , or if so not a criticism about which MBO managers would fret too much .
18 Commercial agreements sometimes say that the opinion of a Queen 's Counsel will determine whether and if so how a claim should proceed .
19 The only one I would mention Chairman is not strictly accurate , we all did , lots of us anyway , the , the British Legion service on Sunday at the church and I just wondered if we could agree to send a letter to the president cos once again a lot of effort and time and organization went into it and I thought it was an excellent occasion and I think he might appreciate
20 It tends to happen if too high a potency ( that is , too strong a potency ) is given , and the symptoms are brought out or exteriorized rather too quickly for the body to handle comfortably .
21 Do remember though not to exceed the recommended ½–1 per cent dilutions ( at least initially ) because too high a concentration of essential oil ( especially strong ones such as chamomile or geranium ) may irritate the more sensitive skin of the face ( see also allergies on page 126 ) .
22 Right , I 've just got a , two or three minutes , I 've just wan na get something quickly done before we , we close and I 'm not gon na look up all the references , because your get them for next week any way in , in the house group , but , now , now in a sense it 's difficult to understand to take all this in after all his God and were people , how do we understand Jesus , it 's , it 's difficult , however knowing something about them does help us to understand something important , it helps us to understand what happened when Jesus ascended , when he went back to heaven , you see when Jesus arose from the earth the , the disciples who watch him it says there in Acts chapter one , they saw him go up in to the heaven , up into you know in a cloud , have you ever thought what that really means what on earth was it , they saw him go up in a cloud , can you image a sort of great clouds coming and dropping down over the mountain top there and was suddenly whisking Jesus up and then watching Jesus going up in this cloud into the sky , I do n't really think it was quite like that , have you ever wonder why it was that Jesus went up in a cloud , you see what was he doing , he was n't beginning a journey to some far off place in the universe , some distant corner where God the father was , he was n't doing that at all , what do you think a cloud can you , give any suggestions of what a cloud might represent because very often a lot of some of the language in the bible is picture language and it , it , it speaks as something else , what do , what do you think a cloud , does any body have suggestions of what a cloud might speak to us about , or speak to us of , sorry , power yeah , any thing else
23 Whereas only about a third of local residents paid full rates , most adults will pay the charge .
24 About half British trade was with the Commonwealth and Sterling Area ( countries trading in British currency ) whereas only about a quarter was with Europe .
25 As Table 14 shows , the overall distribution of material in need of repair was such that more than three-quarters ( 78% ) of all defective items issued were classified only as ‘ Poor ’ since they did not show major deterioration , while just under a fifth ( 18% ) were classified as ‘ Bad ’ .
26 Whereas formerly only a few writers ( such as de Sade and Sacher-Masoch ) propagated their practice , today they play a decisive role in our culture , literature , art , music , theater and movies .
27 After well over an hour the race was abandoned as the fleet slowly drifted backwards out of the harbour .
28 Before too long a photographer arrived .
29 If the everyday , as Lefebvre defines it , is ‘ whatever remains after one has eliminated all specialized activity ’ , then it is important to acknowledge television as most characteristically a part of the everyday ( an everyday which , Lefebvre argues , is a historically limited phenomenon ) , characteristically occupying everyday time and only on ‘ special ’ occasions occupying ‘ special ’ time set aside for it and it alone .
30 As slaves were to be found in all the American colonies and were an important , though perhaps not a vital , part of the economy of Virginia , Maryland , and the Carolinas , the Georgians were asking only that they should be allowed to do what everyone else did .
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