Example sentences of "[subord] [art] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 They are just suggestions for day and half-day excursions to take in the best of the scenery , rather than the villages the tours pass through .
2 Bigger , wider , grander in all its dimensions than the houses the Colcloughs and the Lords had built , since John-William had cleverly engaged the same architect and told him to produce something similar but much more splendid .
3 It was not thickly populated or well defended , but it was much larger than the islands the English already held in the Caribbean , so it provided land for English emigrants for some years .
4 Look less far than the mountains the next time you wish your questions answered .
5 I was still shaking , so I could n't tell if the vibrations the body made were its or mine .
6 There were n't any houses then and there was a big ditch where the canal side and erm we used to have to wait for each other , because no street lamps , nothing at all like that and er really we used to be afraid and then when the first bus ran , shall I tell you this , when the first bus ran from , from Bloxwich to Willenhall of course word got around that the buses were beginning , because the roads were only ruts , they were n't tarmacked roads then and it was certainly gentlemen first for the first there were about three hundred waiting that was a lot of at the top is it Street , I think it 's that and all the gentlemen were first but we , some of us managed to scramble on , but erm then they used to break down very very often because the roads the roads were in such a terrible condition they were only ruts .
7 The thousands of children who are born every year , we do n't even know in this country how many there are , because the figures the ca n't be kept , er er and these tend to be children erm born of er , anonymous donors and and I think that as a society we are wreaking such problems for the future , we 're creating secrets for families , and I would really like to hear from my fellow women here about that .
8 ‘ This time we rehearsed in England for three weeks and then flew to Houston , Texas , and rehearsed in the Goodyear Blimp hangar , because the screens the band use are so huge that we had to find a place big enough hold them !
9 His last sentence is tantamount to saying that he includes Abdulkerim , perhaps rather against his own better judgement , only because the mentions the fact that he became Mufti .
10 First , by considering whether the facts the taxpayer relied on and the inspector knew about were inconsistent with the inspector 's having the requisite reasonable opinion , the Special Commissioner had misdirected himself in law .
11 It ought to be possible to tell within the next few weeks whether the measures the government has introduced over the past year are delivering the hoped-for results .
12 It recycles this information according to the attractability of a specific energy pattern existing at the physical level when the conditions the conducive .
13 Wheal Jane has used flotation since it started up in 1971 , as the deposits the mine works contain a lot of very fine cassiterite particles .
14 He dictated to her many of the hymns that are still in use by the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist — many of whose tunes are exactly the same — bar one or two notes — as the ones the real John Wesley cobbled together in the eighteenth century .
15 In the event of another company acquiring control of the Company through a takeover or reconstruction , then ( as an alternative to exercising his option as described in paragraph 6 ) a participant may , if the acquiring company so agrees , release his existing option in return for the grant of an option over shares in the acquiring company ( or a parent thereof ) having the same aggregate option prices and the same aggregate market value as the shares the subject of the options released , the new options being generally exercisable on the same terms as the old .
16 The best-known lepton is the electron , but as well as the neutrinos the lepton family also includes the muon and the tau , both of which are like the electron but are respectively 210 and 3500 times heavier .
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