Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The provisions relating to abatement of the action on payment within five clear days of all arrears of rent and costs is not applicable where in the same action the lessor is claiming re-entry or forfeiture on a ground other than , or as well as for non-payment of rent .
2 That is because it is an area where Marx and Engels , misled by Morgan , went most wrong , yet where at the same time they made the best use of anthropology .
3 A widespread factor is found where real or suggested expertise is involved in a transaction and where at the same time it may be assumed that the customer is ignorant about what it is he is paying for .
4 Or are you still going to tell me that you were alone , alone all evening except for a half hour in a café ? ’
5 In the heat of the midday sun we reached Ingleborough 's companion top of Simon Fell , deserted except for a few inquisitive Swaledale sheep .
6 So in his late anthology , Confucius to Cummings ( New York , 1964 , with Marcella Spann ) , he explicitly preferred George Chapman 's Homer to pope 's , even though he had admitted that Chapman is unreadable , except for a few pages at a time .
7 Except for a few extremely rich Americans ( Gordon Bennett was one ) and a sprig of French nobility they were British and Irish aristos , and landed gentry and army officers .
8 Except for a few letters from Helen to Jane Aldis , there is nothing until January 1897 .
9 And , except for a few Teflon exceptions , it does ! ’
10 What they all have in common is a basic commitment that the vines should have been cultivated without the use of chemical fertilisers , pesticides , fungicides or herbicides ( except for a few age-old things like Bordeaux mixture ) , and the wine made without chemical additives or agents — apart from a few natural and/or traditional substances .
11 Except for a few stickers falling off , it worked reasonably well .
12 On the other hand , Heron ( 1794 ) says that Lewis was destitute of wood except for a few birches and hazels ’ .
13 In the end , the mini-LP initially catalogued as Reception Records ' REC 010 , did not actually leave Red Rhino 's York warehouse , except for a few copies .
14 He had blue eyes and his head was bare except for a few short grey hairs .
15 Therefore , to whom belongs the credit for this near miraculous escape from falling victim yet again to socialist ideology and dogma , which is in decline and disrepute everywhere , except for a few Third World countries ?
16 But the natives were friendly except for a few incidents in Skye .
17 Most woodland is now found west of the River Arun , the downs further east being notably lacking in tree cover except for a few extensive forestry plantations , which now form a high proportion of all downland woodland .
18 The boat was blown to glory , nothing was ever found of it except for a few bits of debris , and to all intents and purposes both occupants were blown to glory with it . ’
19 Chris occasionally removes some of the surface plants , but does very little else , except for a few water changes .
20 These islands are uninhabited , except for a few wild goats , rabbits and birds .
21 I wandered round the spectacular mall , deserted except for a few armed security guards , paint-smart in peaked hats and short-sleeved shirts .
22 The Articles were registered in 1953 under the CA 1948 , and except for a few standard exclusions , largely adopt Table A , in force at that time .
23 Their Korean hosts were said to be upset at the way they barely acknowledged each other in public except for a few surly and petulant exchanges .
24 The field was empty except for a few ewes with young lambs .
25 Except for a few stereotyped responses from the wilder churches — Pastor David Powell of the Rotherham Pentecostal Church actually banned gays from his services — and a few jibes from the local National Front , we were always treated politely , listened to with interest and generally well received .
26 In the modern period capital is instead organized at a national or transnational scale so that the previous ( capitalist ) rationale for sub-national government has withered away , except for a few spatially constrained sectors of capital , such as development interests or companies engaged in extracting mineral resources .
27 Assessments of less than £1 were not made in the subsidy , and nearly all below £2 were based on wages , except for a few based on income from land ; and since the statutory proviso , doubtless intended to allay fears raised by the inquest of 1522 , restricted taxation to one form of wealth only , any personal property belonging to persons so taxed was ignored .
28 Except for a few specialised publications such as The Art Newspaper , only a handful of quality papers regularly deal with issues concerning the art trade : the International Herald Tribune ; the German Handelsblatt and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ; and in the United States , the New York Times .
29 Bowing to the inevitable , Kenya started to remove the controls in 1988 and had eliminated them all by 1990 , except for a few agricultural products like maize .
30 Those who did marry all left the trade , except for a few cases where the husband was a serving soldier abroad during the war .
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